Without faith, hope and trust there is not promise for the future
and without a promising future, life has no direction, no meaning
and no justification.
"Imagine life as a game
in which you r juggling
some 5 balls in the air
You name ''em
"Work, Family, Health,
Friends n Spirit"
You r keeping all of
these in the air
You''ll soon understand
Work is rubber ball
If you drop it, it''ll bounce
The Other 4 balls
"Family, Health, Friends
& Spirit"
r made of glass
If you drop 1 of these,
they will b irrecoverably
It Is Easy In The World
To Live After The
World''s Opinion, It Is
Easy In Solitude After
Our Own,
The Great Man Is He,
Who In The Midst Of
Te Crowd Keeps With
Perfect Sweetness The
Independence Of
Solitude ... :)