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Never Lose Hope!

Into each life a rain must fall
There''s joy and pain you can recall
Life''s full of challenge; big and small
But you can overcome them all.

Put everything in perspective
See things clearly, be positive
Life''s wonderful, plenty to give
More goals and dreams you can achieve.
Take chances, make mistakes. That''s how you grow. Pain nourishes your courage. You have to fail in order to practice being brave
The world is a great mirror. It reflects back to you what you are. If you are loving, if you are friendly, if you are helpful, the world will prove loving and friendly and helpful to you. The world is what you are.
Luck is not in your hand
Work is in your hand;
Luck never makes your work
Work can make your luck.

So always trust in yourself...
If you follow no other truth, follow the truth that within your being is called joy. If you follow that, you''re always going to be right where you need to be, and you will always have life within your being.

Success consists in being successful, not in having potential for success. Any wide piece of ground is the potential site of a palace, but there''s no palace till it''s built.
Luck is not in your hand
Work is in your hand;
Luck never makes your work
Work can make your luck.
So always trust in yourself..
Laugh at ur mistakes, but learn from them. Joke over ur troubles,

but gather strength from them. Have fun with ur difficulties, but overcome them
For success, it''s better to be like a turtle.

Sometimes scared and staying inside your shell for protection but never stopping, always walking,

in one direction to achieve the goal.
Every Truth Passes Through Three Stages
Before It''s Recognized
In The First It''s Ridiiculed
In The Second It''s Opposed
In The Third, It''s Regarded As Self Evident . . .
Xpress Urself Such That Ur Enimies Too Remember U

Laugh Such That Ur Sadness Too Laughes Wid U

Live Ur Life Such That God Too Feels Proud Of U
Never Compromises Ur Values & Beliefs,
Even If it Means
Risking Riddicule And Rejection

Be True To Urself
Live Ur Own Life
& Don’t Allow Others
To Decide What’s Best For U

If U Do, U’ll B Unhappy
B’coz U’re Untrue To Urself . . .