Xpress Urself Such

Xpress Urself Such
Xpress Urself Such That Ur Enimies Too Remember U

Laugh Such That Ur Sadness Too Laughes Wid U

Live Ur Life Such That God Too Feels Proud Of U

Jun, 15 2010     149 chars (1 sms)     2036 views       Inspirational

more Inspirational SMS Messages

As You Travel Through Life
Your Dreams Will Guide You
Determinations Will Get Ypu There
And Love Will Provide The Greatest Scenery Of All. . .
Kill the stress before it kills you.

Reach the goal before it kicks you.

Help everyone before someone helps you.

Live life before life leaves you.
Limitations Live Only In Our Minds ,
If We Use Our Imaginations !
Our Possibilities Become Limitless.
And Life is To
Remember ...

"G r i e f
T r a g e d y
H a t r e d

Are Only For A Time ...

G o o d n e s s
R e m e m b e r a n c e
L o v e

Have No End ..."
" Golden Words"

Kisi Mukamal Shakhs Ki Talash Mein Mohabbat Na Karo


Kisi Adhuray Ko Mukamal Karne Ke Liye Mohabat Karo
Hunger Wakes You 2 Work

Failure Makes You 2 Achieve

Poverty Pushes You 2 Earn

Problems Keep You Alert

Its Just +ve Attitude That Makes
Life Sweeter & Worthier
Success Is Blocked By Concentration On It


Planning For It

Success Is Shy ... It Won''t Come Out While You''re Watching ...
Failures are often the results of timidity and fears; disappointments are the results of bashfulness; hours of leisure pass away like summer-clouds, therefore, do not waste opportunity of doing good
Rejoice In Our Suffering

Suffering Produces Preserverance

Preserverance Character


Character Hope . . .
One of the things that has helped me as much as any other, is not how long I am
going to live, but how much I can do while living.”
Many of life''s
circumstances r
cre8ed by 3 basic
choices ..

1. The disciplines U
choose to keep
2. The ppl U choose to
be with
3. The laws U choose
to obey (:
Life is a paradox whatever you want - you dont get,
Whatever you get - you don''t enjoy,
Whatever you enjoy - is not permanent and
Whatever is permanent - is boring