Love is the answer

Love is the answer
"Love is the answer.
Now, what is your question?"
Friends..this is what we r everyone..,respect everyone..,help everyone..and be the one to do so first!! ..but haan do not expect anything in return..u will wonder..that u will get much more than unexpected..try it once..

Jun, 15 2010     301 chars (2 sms)     1970 views       Inspirational

more Inspirational SMS Messages

There is much in life that we don''t understand or want to accept,
therein lies our Humanity!
Everything Allah plans has a reason,
therein lies HIS Divinity!
Gratitude is an essential component of a life that''s filled with joy
and meaning and richness. Whenever, wherever you choose gratitude, it
always makes life better.
When people talk behind your back,

what does it mean??


It means that you are two steps ahead of them!!

So, Keep moving ahead in Life!!
Success Without Honor Is An

Unseasoned Dish ...

It Will Satisfy Your Hunger


It Won''t Taste Good ...
Always celebrate your achievement whatever you achieved,no need to compare yourself with the others,because you will never achieve anything before time and more than your destiny. . .
Life Is Like A Game
God Like The Winner
Lve The Loosers
Hates The Viewer
So B The Player
Don’t Care Of Critics
God Will Always Be With U :)
1)Sometimes, God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
2)Sometimes, He breaks our heart to make us whole.
3)Sometimes, He sends us pain so we can be stronger.
4)Sometimes, He sends us failure so we can be humble.
5)Sometimes, He sends us illness so we can take better care of ourselves.
6)Sometimes, He takes ''everything'' away from us so we can learn the value of ''everything'' we have
How To be Successful .. ??

If U Wana Be Successful
Find Someone Who Has
Achieved The Results
U Want
Copy What They Do
U''ll Achieve The Same Results ... :)
"E" is the most unfortunate character in the alphabet.

It is always out of "cash", forever in "debt",

never out of "danger" and in "hell" all the time.

But notice that "e" is never in "war" and always in "peace."

It''s the beginning of "existence" and the end of "trouble."

Without "e", we would have no "love", "life" or "heaven."

Go E!
Loss leaves us empty
Learn not 2 close ur
Heart & Mind in grief
Allow life to replenish U.
Whn sorrow comes it seems
New joys wait 2 fill d void... :)
He Who Asks Questions Is A Fool For Five Minutes;

But One Who Do Not Ask Questions Is A Fool Forever...
A clay pot having milk

will be ranked higher

than a golden pot having poison.

Its not our outer glamour

but our inner virtues

that make us valuable.