Love is the answer

Love is the answer
"Love is the answer.
Now, what is your question?"
Friends..this is what we r everyone..,respect everyone..,help everyone..and be the one to do so first!! ..but haan do not expect anything in return..u will wonder..that u will get much more than unexpected..try it once..

Jun, 15 2010     301 chars (2 sms)     1918 views       Inspirational

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Too Many Of Us

Are Not Living

On Our Dreams ...


We Are Living

On Our Fears …
Hate, But Love More... Argue, But Agree More
Talk, But Listen More.. Punish, But Forgive More..
Then People Will Love U More
You can blow out a candle
but you cant blow out a fire
once the flame begins to catch
the wind will blow it higher
Many of life''s
circumstances r
cre8ed by 3 basic
choices ..

1. The disciplines U
choose to keep
2. The ppl U choose to
be with
3. The laws U choose
to obey (:
Don''t Worry About The Delay In

Your Success Compared To

Others Because Construction

Of Pyramid Takes More

Time Than An Ordinary Building ... :-}
"The real truth is this: The whole world is joy. Heaven is a festival all year long. Of all lies, the greatest falsehood is melancholy."
It is better to cry than to be angry,

because anger hurts others while

tears flow silently thru the soul and

cleanses the heart..
The little plans I tried to carry
Have failed
O'' Dear God.
But, I will not sorrow
I will pause a little while
And try again tomorrow.

Anushree Karnani
Avoiding something doesn''t always

mean that you hate it...

it could also mean that you want it,

but you just know that it isn''t right...
Success will never lower its standard 2 accomdate us,
we have to raise our standard to achieve it.
"for every bird god provides Food, But not their Nest"
Hurdles are always there in life,

Some LONG, Some SHORT,

Some HIGH, Some Low,

however NONE are PERSISTENT,

so keep walking and smiling.
One Of The Greatest Discoveries A Man Makes,

One Of His Great Surprises,

Is To Find He Can Do What

He Was Afraid He Couldn''t Do.