The trees that

The trees that
"The trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit."..

so keep on trying..hold on tight..afterall this is life!!!!!!!!!

Jun, 15 2010     125 chars (1 sms)     1996 views       Inspirational

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The Currency Notes Are Always Silent.

So.. When Ur Value


Keep Yourself Calm N Silent..
"The real truth is this: The whole world is joy. Heaven is a festival all year long. Of all lies, the greatest falsehood is melancholy."
Don''t walk as if you rule the world, walk as if you don''t care who rules the world! That''s called Attitude...! Keep on rocking!
"You may believe that you are responsible for what you do, but not for what you think. The truth is that you are responsible for what you think, because it is only at this level that you can exercise choice. What you do comes from what you think."
A turtle was trying hard to fly.

Each time it tried to fly the turtle fell back to the ground.

About an hour later, watching these proceedings from the end of the branch were two birds.

Mummy bird turned to Daddy bird and said:Don''t you think its time that we tell him, he was adopted? :(
When Ur Commitment Is Deeper Than The Sea


Your Ambition Is Taller Than The Sky


Ur Future Will Be Brighter Than The Sun . . .
Remember ... !!!

Those Who Do More Then They''re Paid
For Are Always Sought For Their Services. Their Name & Work
Outlive Them & They Always
Command The Highest Price

Chase Your Passion Not Your Pension
If you stand for a reason, be prepared to stand alone like a tree and if you fall on the ground then fall as a seed that grows back to fight again.
A Dog Will Not Hurt You

If You Beat It With A Bone

Use The Right Weapon

To Handle People

That''s The Secret Of Winning ...

Never Be Afraid To Try


Amateurs Built The Ark

Professionals Built The Titanic ...
Most optimistic line i have ever come across.

"I know i''m the boy of her dreams,

Its just that she hasn''t started dreaming yet"
Beauty Is Life Whn Life
Unveils Her Holy Face
But U r Life & U r d
Beauty Is Eternity
Gazing @ Itself In a
But U r Eternity & U r d