The timeless i

The timeless i
The timeless in you is aware of life''s timelessness; and knows that yesterday is but today''s memory and tomorrow is today''s dream.

Khalil Jibran. . .

Jun, 15 2010     156 chars (1 sms)     2034 views       Inspirational

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Success Seems To Be Connected With Action

Successful People Keep Moving

They Make Mistake But They Don''t Quit ...
Once I happened to walk
on a high bridge

It was so high
that I got scared

I saw an Angel on
the other side.
I prayed To Allah 4 Help

But the Angel didn''t come

I somehow managed to
cross the bridge

There I saw the Angel
holding the end of the
broken bridge ..

"Sometimes We think why
Allah is keeping quite ?"

HE is not helping
cross the bridge
HE might b holding the
broken bridge 4 U

Have Faith
Do More Thn Belong - Participate
Do More Thn Care - Help
Do More Thn Believe - Practice
Do More Thn b Fair - b Kind
Do More Thn 4give - 4get
Do More Thn Dream - Work
One Step Back

Doesn''t Mean Defeated ...

It Just Means

That You Will Take The Same
Step Forward Again


Wiser This Time ... :->
Greatness is not in where we stand,

but in what direction we are moving.

We must sail sometimes with the wind

and sometimes against it-

but we must sail and not drift,

nor lie at anchor.
Life Never Seem 2 Be Da Way V Want It
But V Live Da Best Way V Can
There Is No Perfect Life
But V Can Fill It Wid Perfect Moments

B Passionate . . .
Success is like a train.
It has several compartments: Hardwork, Focus, Luck, etc.
but leading all those is the engine of confidence.
So keep it fit
The capacity for hope
is the most significant fact of life.
It provides human beings
with a sense of destination
and the energy to get started.
Hard work spotlights the character of people:
some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their
noses, and some don''t turn up at all.
We always spend our lives thinking that what we deserve from others, so mostly our relations got hurt,

lets spend our lives thinking

"What others deserv from us"

this will make our lives too much easier to spend. Try it
Never despise life''s fiery trials.
They are God''s ways of bringing out the best in you.

Always remember, you are like a Diamond.
And more a diamond is cut, the more it sparkles.
The Most Determinative & Motivating

Sentence Which Shud Always

Be Followed In Life.


Because I Haven''t WON Yet.->