You a disciple

You a disciple
You [a disciple],

shall I teach you about knowledge?

What you know, you know,

what you don''t know,

you don''t know. This is true wisdom.

Jun, 15 2010     150 chars (1 sms)     1926 views       Inspirational

more Inspirational SMS Messages

In life whn u face choices,
just toss a coin,
not coz it settles d question
While d coin is in air u''ll knw wh8 ur heart really desires for.. (=
If you create an act, you create a habit.
If you create a habit, you create character. If you create a character, you create a destiny.
The Easiest Way To

Change The World

" Be The Change

You Want To

See In the

World ... "
In d walk of life,

Dont worry of people moving ahead of U.

Take ur own time.

Bt once U r ready to run,

make sure U r d best Of all
1 Kabar ki Takhti Par likha hua tha...

"A Rah-E-Guzar Parh le Fatiha Meray Wastay"

"Kal tu Bhi Majboor hoga Is Dua K Wastay . . . :''(
Every Truth Passes Through Three Stages
Before It''s Recognized
In The First It''s Ridiiculed
In The Second It''s Opposed
In The Third, It''s Regarded As Self Evident . . .
Standing Down The Hill

Gazing At The Sky

How Will U Ever Reach ? ? ?

If U Never Try ! ! !
Luck is like sand in hands.
It will sneak out through fingers,

no mater gripped firmly or held loosely.

Only hands in the praying posture can save it.
Have A Magical Affect
Before Which
Difficulties Disappear
And Obstacles Vanish.
I Fear God,

And Next To

God I Chiefly

Fear Him

Who Fears Him Not.
There are always three speeches, for every one you actually gave.

The one you practiced,
the one you gave,
and the one you wish you gave.
Every man is more than just himself; he also represents the unique, the very special and always significant and remarkable point at which the world''s phenomena intersect, only once in this way, and never again.