Life Is Mostly Froth

Life Is Mostly Froth
Life Is Mostly Froth And Bubble


Two Things Stands As Stone

Kindness in Others'' Trouble


Courage In Your Own ...

Jun, 15 2010     135 chars (1 sms)     2086 views       Inspirational

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Crow sitting on a tree doing nothing.Rabit thought to do the same and sat on ground.
A wolf came and ate it.

MORAL: to sit and do nothing, u need to be be on Top.
Bright Be The Road U R Walking,

Light Be The Load U R Carrying,

Sweet Be The Home U R Staying,

Happy Be The Day U R Foreseeing
Lyf''s Ups n Down Provide Windows Of Opportunity To Determine Ur VALUES n GOALS...
Think Of Using All Obstacle As STEPPING STONES To Build The Life U Want . . .
When I Fail ...

I Laugh And Say
" It''s My Passion ..."


When I Succeed ...

I Call It My
"Business Strategy ... "
Widout me,I know u wud still b complete,

widout me u can still go on,

widout me u can still liv ur life,

bt since I m here,

I hope I make a difference.: -)
We are all born in this world for some special Purpose...

none of us are waste.

So, don''t be a prisoner of past be an architect of ur future.
Sumday Evrything ''Ll
All Make Perfect
So 4 Now
Laugh @ The Confusion
Smile Through Tears
Keep Reminding
Evrything Happens For
A Reason .. (:

'The Main Difference Betweem
Attitude And Ego Is That

Attitude Makes U Defer From Others,
While Ego Makes U Alone From Othersâ€'
FAce Challenges Confidently . . . Think
If I Cannot, Who Can . . .


After Winning B Humble Enuf To Say
I Can, Who Cannot . .
Life Is Not About

Waiting To That

One Storm To Pass

It Is About Getting Out There


Dancing In Its Rain ...
Sometimes we must get hurt in order to grow,
we must fail in order to know,
Sometimes our vision clears only after our
eyes are washed away with tears.
Alexander the Great in his death bed said:
''''My last wish is that both my hands be kept dangling out of my coffin''''
I wish people to know that
''''I came empty handed into this world and empty handed I go out of this world.''