After a time u wil

After a time u wil
After a time u will find that "having" is not so pleasing a thing as "wanting".
Its not logical , but after all true..

Jun, 15 2010     120 chars (1 sms)     1771 views       Inspirational

more Inspirational SMS Messages

Just a thought
That you need to host.
Never fear at all
What you fear the most.

Attack fears head on.
Do not avoid, nor swerve.
For it will only restrict
What you deserve.

The risk of hurt
Is just a game of chance.
If you fear the music
You will never dance.

If failure has given you
Bitter taste and tears,
Remember, God loves your faith,
Satan loves your fears.
Limitations Live Only In Our Minds ,
If We Use Our Imaginations !
Our Possibilities Become Limitless.
And Life is To
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy
Log sirf yeh hee kyun kehtey hein k aankh sey aansoo nikal rahey hein,

Kya dil kabhi nahee roya?

Agar roya hai to log dil ko kyun bhool jatey hein
To be successful, you must decide exactly what you want to accomplish;
then resolve to pay the price to get it.
Ups & Downs,
unexpected results & problems are a part of life. Never lose hope in any condition because the darkness of night always finishes with light of day. Remember
A man can live about 40 days without food
About 3 days without water
About 8 minutes without air But not for 1second without hope!
There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them
Don''t expect anything from anyone, expectations hurt.
When you don''t expect, every moment is a surprise and every surprise brings happiness...
Every man has in himself a
continent of undiscovered character...

Happy is he who acts as the


to his own soul ...

The Starting Point Of Achievement Is Desire. . . Keep This Constantly In Mind. . . Weak Desires Produce Weak Results. . . Just As A Small Amount Of Fire Produces A Small Amount Of Heat. . .
The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You don''t blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the President. You realize that you control your own destiny
If you create an act, you create a habit.
If you create a habit, you create character. If you create a character, you create a destiny.