Come SMS Messages820 messages

''L i f e''
Is not an
''i - P o d''
To listen your
Favorite Songs

It''s a
''R a d i o''
You must
''A d j u s t''
Yourself to enjoy,
Whatever Comes in it...
Most optimistic line i have ever Come across.

"I know i''m the boy of her dreams,

Its just that she hasn''t started dreaming yet"
Hi hw r u..
R u free this Sunday? Can u Come with us 2 Lshore @ 9am?

Coz Sunday we r opening a new branch of

ZOO. We got all the animals except u
Hi, How r u?
Are u free Tomorrow?
Can u Come to me, Bcoz Tomorow we r Opening a New

Admission Free, Special offer 4 u... ;->
Whats live ? Live is love.
Whats love ? Love is kissing.
Whats kissing ? Come here and I show you.
Come on my love and make me feel your self
just Come on babe u have burnt a flame of love
in my heart i am still burning in that,
if some one can quench my thrust in the desert of sorrows
it''s only you whenever i feel about you there Comes tears
in my eyes and heart sighs u wouldn''t live without me,
Come on my love ,just Come on in my life for once..
A Kiss is alovely trick designed by nature,
to stop speech whaen words beCome superfluous.
loving you can only be compared to the sand of an ocean,
mising you with the warmth of your skin,
baby to me you mean the world,
ican"t stand without ur thing,
talk without ur lips!!!!So Come and kiss me
U r sweeter than honey.
purer than milk.
softer than flower.
since i have u as my lover,
Come to me near,
i"ll kiss ur lips without fear.
u"ll say, having u is treasure & be wit me for ever.
kisses Spread Germs.
Germs Are Hated...
Come On Baby Kiss Me,
Coz I"m Vaxinated
wat is life??
life is love
wat is love ??
love is kissin
wat is kissin ??
Come 2 me i ll show u jaan
She lifted her face to him, and he bent forward and kissed her on the mouth, gently, with the one kiss that is an eternal pledge. And as he kissed her his heart strained again in his breast. He never intended to love her. But now it was over. He had crossed over the gulf to her, and all that he had left behind had shrivelled and beCome void.;)))