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Try to be happy in this present moment, and put not off being so to a time to Come,—as though that time should be of another make from this which has already Come and is ours.
When Your Way Comes Darkest . . . When Your Eyes With Tears Are Dim . . . Go To GOD, Tell all Your Troubles To Him. . . The Soul Would Have No Rainbow If The Eyes Had No Tears. .
Come to the edge,
we can''t we are afraid
Come to the edge,
we can''t we will fall
Come to the edge,
and they came
...and he pushed them
...and they flew
happiness is like a butterfly
the more u chase it , the more it eludes u...

but if u turn ur attention to other things,
it softly Comes and sits on ur shoulder.
The single finger which wipes out tears during our Failure is much better than 10 fingers which Come together to clap for our Victory…
Even though the sky seems dark, believe in the future.
The storm will pass over. The clouds will roll by.
Believe in the best though it seems hidden.
Know that it will Come though it''s not in sight.

Your faith will take you through the darkness.
Your belief shall prove that the sun will shine .
Write your name in kindness, love, and mercy on the hearts of thousands you Come in contact with year by year, and you will never be forgotten. Your name and your good deeds will shine as the stars of heaven.
Never Lose Hope!

Into each life a rain must fall
There''s joy and pain you can recall
Life''s full of challenge; big and small
But you can overCome them all.

Put everything in perspective
See things clearly, be positive
Life''s wonderful, plenty to give
More goals and dreams you can achieve.
Laugh at ur mistakes, but learn from them. Joke over ur troubles,

but gather strength from them. Have fun with ur difficulties, but overCome them
Chalenges In Life Come In 3 Broad Categories:




Those Wh o Take On Only The Easy Have A Safe & Boring Life

Those Who Take On The Difficult Have A Tough But Satisfying Life


Those Who Take On The Impoosible Are Remembered
One of the best thoughts i have ever Come across practically..+

"There''s not markrt for ur sorrows in this owrld, so never advertise them"
The Single finger

which wipes out our tears

during our FAILURES

is much better than the 10 fingers

which Come 2gether

to clap for our VICTORY.

Value it