Come SMS Messages820 messages

The moon has been sighted
The samoosas are ready
Here Comes EID so just go steady
Lots of dua''s is all i request
and just wanted to wish you all the BEST!!!
"Eid Mubarak"

"SmS KinG"
HoPe LoVe & LaUghTeR
waRmTh & wIsHeS
JoYs & BoUqUeTs oF eId WiShEs
fOr AlL oF Us ...
MaY JuBlIcAtIoNz BeCome a PaRt
Of OuR eId AnD lIfE ...


EiD mUbaRaK tO aWl ....
.,WishinG You A,.

"BloominG EiD"

HaPPiness Come
FraGrant Winds And
You For Ever In
WaYs Of BeautY,
R U Waiting 4
My Msg?
( ''.'' )

Shoo Shweeeeet..

Dont Worry.

How Can I
Forget U?

HERE Comes
My Wish.

Eid Mubarak

Its more than just an Eid wish,
more than a message too.

For it Comes with warm and loving thoughts
because it’s meant for you.
i am sorry my tears
Coz I have trapped you ,
Whenever you wanted to flow
I have always stopped you.

I know inside for you
It is very suffocating ,
But even if you flow
Nothing you will be getting .

You will flow
And get vanished somewhere ,
And till that time
People will show that they do care .

So better don''t expect
Anybody''s sympathy ,
You are true
You don''t deserve false pity.

I know you wanna Come out
To make me feel relieved ,
What you think ?
Will this make my wounds get healed?

Rather than you
Its more painful for me
My dreams getting shattered
Is what everyday I see .
When they Come to me, all I see is your face
When they start to speak your voice takes their place
It''s a voice that promises to always be there
No matter what they say, I know you still care
Always and Forever is what this means to me
if one day you feel like crying...
call me.
i dont promise you that i will male you laugh,
but i can cry with you.

if one day you want to run away....
dont be a afraid to call me.
i dont promise to ask you to stay,
but i can run with you..

if one day you dont want to listen to anybody,
call me...

i promise to be very quiet.

if one day you call me
and there is no answer....

Come fast to see me,
perhaps i need you.
How Come I don''t know my own pain?
I''m the doctor and the remedy myself.

I wandered around the universe.
For the friend''s sake I have broken my heart.

Oh poor me! I didn''t know
I ''m the beloved and the lover myself.

Mazun, I made myself degraded.
I chose to be in love.

I gave my sole to the beloved.
Soul myself, devotee myself.
One has beCome Moses and has seen the Beloved on Mount Sinai.
One, like Jesus, has seen the Beloved while crucified.

One has seen in the dark, another in the light.
Each person has a different path to the Friend’s neighborhood.

One beComes like soil, and kisses the threshold.
Another beComes fervent then flutters.

One, like Mazun, makes his chest a shield,
seeking the arrow of love.
Still, Majnun desires to beCome insane.
Still, Layla’s camel flees the caravan.

Still, the noise of Farhad’s pickaxe can be heard.
Still, Shirin’s tale is sweet to tell.

Who is calling and who is telling in the music of the saz?
Everything beComes musical. Who spends life from moment to moment?

Mazun says: “Who is here? Who is on there?”
He is here; he is there. Where is he?

Oh God, one cannot argue with you, but,
why did you throw us in the fire of love?

You formed us with your power, and water and clay.
Why did you create the moon-like beauties?

You made eyebrows into pens, and locks of hair into lassos.
You made sugar-water limpid from sweet lips.

If you wanted me not to beCome afflicted and degraded,
why did you create lovesick girls?

If you wanted submission and prayers,
you would not have given beauties coquetry and coyness.

If false love is a sin,
why did you make drunkard eyes drunk?