Come SMS Messages820 messages

When a msg is sent 4m a distance,
U can''t c the faces,
U can''t c the smiles,
But u can sense d care that truly Comes 4m d Heart 2 say u "Take care". . . |''!''|
If you are comfortable in standing alone...

The world will Come to you seeking
The secret of your success.

"A successful relationship is not built on givers and takers only,

but on people who also beCome sharers".
LEAVES Dont'' Just FALL 4om The Tree

CLOUDS Don''t Just FORM Inthe Sky

ANGELS Don''t Just Come DOWN 4om Heaven


I Don''t Just SMS Any1 Unless They r SPECIAL . . . =)
On The Shore Of LiFE
All Gud Relation Are Like Waves
They Come & Go
They Touch In Such A Way
A Feeling Of Closeness Alwayz Remains Forever . . .
A Lot Of Ants Were Roaming Around My Phone.

I Was Wondering How Come.

Then i Suddenly Realised That My

Phone Contains Contact Of Very Sweet Person Like U..!
Psychological Fact:

When A Person Cries Due To Happyness
The 1st Drop Of Tears Comes From The Right Eye.

When It 1st Comes Frm The Left,
Its Pain
The Most Painful

Moment Of Life Comes,

When The Care

Is Mistaken

As Disturbance!":-)
Each Of Us Is A Star

Some Tyms We Shine With The Rest

Sometyms We Twinkle Alone

Sometyms When We Least Know It

We Make Someone''z Wish Come True :->
Bills Travel Through

The Mail At Twice

The Speed Of Checks

Be Careful Of

Your Thoughts,

They May BeCome

Words At Any Moment
I Wish Ur Life

Soft As Silk

White As Milk

Sweet As Honey

Full Of Money

May All Ur Dreamz Come True

This Wish Is Only 4 U
A Good Relationship Is Not When Two

"Perfect People"

Come Together.

But Itz When Two

"Imperfect People"

Learn To Enjoy Their Differences