I Wish Ur Life

I Wish Ur Life
I Wish Ur Life

Soft As Silk

White As Milk

Sweet As Honey

Full Of Money

May All Ur Dreamz Come True

This Wish Is Only 4 U

Jun, 19 2010     139 chars (1 sms)     1754 views       Decent

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No Sound In This World Can B
More Louder Than Silence
If SomeOne Can’t Understand Ur Silence . . .
They Can Never Understand Ur Words . . .
sweet is your nature.dear is your name.close to my heart u wil always.as earth want water.flower want dew. i want nothing but happines for u..
Like, a storm raging in all frenzy,
Furiously beating the waves.
Or, turbulence beneath tranquil sea,
Mysteriously it behaves.
The Best Way To Inspire Ppl To Superior Performance Is To Convince Them By
Everything U Do & By Ur EveryDay Attitude
That U r Whole Heartedly Supporting Them....
Age appears to be best in some things. Old wood best to burn. Old books best to read. Old rice best to eat and old friends best to keep
Books says “Read Me”,
Money says “Earn Me”
Time says “Plan Me”,
Flowers says “Love Me”,
My SMS says “Just Remember Me”
1 day dream asked life : "when v all cum tru?"
Life smiled n replyd :
"never, coz d day all of u cum true
i'll lost my meaning"
Some 1 can give you crying & tears.

Many others can give u laughter & Smiles.

But only rare can give you

Laughing tears n crying smiles.
If u wait to b happy, you will wait forever, but if you start to b happy, you will be happy forever!
U live in ur dreams but dreams may die, don''t get shattered never ever cry. D world is real big & has lots 2 giv, pick up a new dream, 4 dats d way 2 live.
There''s A Wonderful Mythical Law Of Nature Dat The3 Things We Crave Most In Life ....
Happiness, Freedom & Peace Of Mind Are Always Attaind By Giving Them To SomeOne Else...
How Can You"SMI-LE" Without"I"..?
How Can You be "F-NE" without "I"..?
How can you "W-SH" without "I"..?
How can you be "FR-END" without "I"..?
"I" am very important..!
But "I" can never achieve S-CCESS without "U"..
and that makes "U" more important than "I"...