If two friends ask

If two friends ask
If two friends ask you to judge a dispute, don''t accept, because you will lose one friend; on the other hand, if two strangers come with the same request, accept because you will gain one friend......

Jun, 19 2010     202 chars (2 sms)     1992 views       Decent

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Time is too slow 4 those who wait, too swift 4 those who fear, too long 4 those who grieve, too short 4 those rejoice but 4 those who have true friend like u time is eternity.
Being single is a choice. Some say it's to avoid heartbreaks/love problems, but some choose to be single because they are still in love with someone secretly.
| LiFe FuNdA |

Love...... what you''ve got,
Remember....... what you had,
Learn from..... your mistakes,
Never regret,
People change,
Things go wrong,
Remember Life Goes On.....
It Is True That
"OPEN" & "CLOSE" Are Words With Opposite Meanings
Try To Understand
Why Will You Alwayz Be "OPEN" To The Person Who Is "CLOSE" . . .
Everything Is Incomplete Without ME







Even This ..ssage!

So Dont Forget ME.
Family faces are
magic mirrors ...

Looking at the people
who belong to us,

We see
the past, the present
and the future ... (:

1.Pray as if everything depends on God, and work as everything depends on you.

2.To handle yourself use your mind & to handle others use your heart.

3.Don''t loose head in success and heart in failure.

4.Beauty and colour may attract the eye but character appeals to the "HEART
In millions of books there is only one word.
If your vision is clear just
"Bismillah" is enough for you.

Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai.
A boy went to a night club,
His mom got angry & asked him:Did you see anything that you were not supposed to see ?

Boy:Yes,I saw
ok fine....
but will not b able to cum.
You do one thing
just msg and tell her the remaining.
ok.Thnx bye.

confusing msg association..
If u wait to b happy, you will wait forever, but if you start to b happy,

you will be happy forever!
If Time
doesn't Wait for You,

Don't Worry...

Just Remove
the Battery from
the Clock 'n' Enjoy Life

"wadey log"
"uchiyan sochan"
"ty puthay kam"...:-)