Come SMS Messages820 messages

You’re welCome sit down here
Between welCome and farewell I sat there
She starts to click her fingers and toes
Music Music out of this noise
My ears assured me and even nose
...Perfume tidiness cleanliness are highlighted
As well as their papers lit Phosphorus
No more mess, no more Chaos in this chorus
She and she and she are the tops of the hierarchy
Infected us with Poise that topples our anarchy
Now it’s clear that King Lear was right
In his abundance of the Monarchy
For the benefit of two girls
Since oranges can’t be compared to apples
Thanks to their Oranges’ Adam’ apple
Dictionary is da only place where death Comes before life,
success before work,
& divorce before marriage.
but the Best part is Friend Comes before relatives.
!!!!!!!!!!! (QB)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7 signs your falling in love*
7. You"ll read their txts over and over again
6. You"ll walk really really slow while youre with them
5. They beComes all you think about
4. You"ll get high just by their smell
...3. You"ll realize that you"re always smiling, when you think about them
2. You"ll do anything for them
1. While reading this, there was one person on your mind the whole time
True Love Comes Only With
One Person . . .
If It Comes For The Second
Time. . .
Its Just A Medicine
To Forget The First Love . . . =/

Strange But True
Let the world stop turning,
Let the sun stop burning,
Let them tell me love’s not worth going through.
If it all falls apart,
I will know deep in my heart,
The only dream that mattered had Come true
…In this life I was loved by you.
What’s the similarity between chewing gum & begum(wife) ??

Both are sweet at the beginning
beCome tasteless, shapeless and chipku in the eNd…
Most good judgment Comes from experience. BUT Most experience Comes from bad judgment.
Application 4 Leave

O My Master
When I Come
Goday Goday Water
Rain Chum Chum
Leg My Phisli
Diga Me Dharam
Thallay My Bag
And Utay I M
Is Ly Today
i Cannot Cum.
Beautiful Quote..There Iz Nothing Greater Dan Parents In Dis World.
So Go Get Married Fast And BCome Parents.
Think Different
Do Different:-D..
HaRdEsT MoMeNt Is NoT ThAt
WhEn u |osE SutHiNg
TeArs Come OuT OuT Ov Ur EyEzZz....


It''S tHe OnE, WhEn U LoSe SuMtHiNg
StI|| MaNaGe To CrY.....
God is an invisible parent.

And parents are the visible god.

So if u make d visible god happy,

automaticaly the invisible God beComes happy.

Life is cricket
Dont lose ur wicket
Try 2 get century
Never 4get ur boundry
Even if u r run out
Never beCome mood out
BeCoz GoD Is 3Rd umpire..... :->