love comes only with one person

love comes only with one person
True Love Comes Only With
One Person . . .
If It Comes For The Second
Time. . .
Its Just A Medicine
To Forget The First Love . . . =/

Strange But True

Mar, 23 2011     152 chars (1 sms)     1949 views       Love

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Everyone Tells Me That I deserve Better
I dnt want better
Shaam bhi udas hogi raat bhi udas hogi,Kafan me lipti meri laash hogi...
Ae dafna ke janewalon unse keh do,Qabar me bhi unki tasvir mere saath
True Love Comes Only With
One Person . . .
If It Comes For The Second
Time. . .
Its Just A Medicine
To Forget The First Love . . . =/

Strange But True
U''ve Been Called B4
Cupids Court
4 Stealing My Heart
Trespassing In My Dreams
Robbing Me Of My Senses
U''ve Been Sentenced
2 Lifetime With Me
Ho Do U Plead ? (:
Missing some1 gets easier everyday
because even though you are one day further
from the last time you saw them
you are one day closer to the next time you will
Love is like a knife,

it can stab the heart or

it can carve wonderful images

into the soul that will last a lifetime
il k lut jane ka izhar zrori to nai
ye tamasha sar-e-bazar zrori to nai
muja tha ishq teri roh se or ab b ha
jism se koi srokar zrori to nai
me toje tot k chahon tu meri fitrat ha
to b ho meri talabgar zrori to nai
ay sitam kash zara jhank meri ankhon mein
zuban se pyar ka izhar zrori to nai
Luv Cums Again N Again

4those Who Knw Wt "LIFE IS..! "


4those Who Know Wt "LOVE IS.

iS SuCh An

UnComFortAble fEEling

That EvEn A

Tiny Amount Of It

iS EnoUgh

To Ruin EvEry

It iS True That
"OPEN" n "CLOSE"... Are Words Wid Opposite Meanings
Try To Understand, Why WillYou Alwayz Be "OPEN" To The Person Who iS "CLOSE". . . .:->
Some people in life are a part of us,

Even though we Miss them,

We never Lose them bcoz we find

The Memories of time Spent

Together still living in us
A Life Filled with Love

Must Have Some Thorns ...


A Life Empty Of Love

Will Have No Roses ...

Remember It