God is an invisible

God is an invisible
God is an invisible parent.

And parents are the visible god.

So if u make d visible god happy,

automaticaly the invisible God becomes happy.


Jun, 19 2010     172 chars (2 sms)     2081 views       Decent

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One hurts you, so that you may find someone who can heal you.
If nobody is there to hurt u, u will never know d person who cares for U.
1 Ka 70
1 Ka 70
1 Ka 70
1 Ka 70
1 Ka 70


1 Ka 70 Kia....????
This Is Ramzan Offer "1 Ka 70 .... 1 Naiki Karo Auro 70 Naikion Ka Sawab Kamao"
always be the reason of someone happiness,
never be just a part of it.
a part of someone sadness,
but never be the reason for it.
If You Can Kill

Your Desire On One

Particular Day,

Then Note It In Your

Diary! As You Have

Entered The

World Of

Greatness That Day!
Someone Remembers, Somebody Cares, YOUR Name Is Whispered In Somebody’s Prayers, Keep The Bright Hope Of Sunshine In View, Someone Is Warmly Thinking Of You
Good Unerdtsanding Btewene
Ecah Ohter Is Rael FierndSihp!
Eevn If We Hvae So Mnay
MsiUnerdsantndig Lkie Tish Msseaeg,
Btu i Konw U Cna Raed WtihOtu Msitkae !!
The Fact ... !!!

The Public Have An
Insatiable Curiosity

To Know Everything


What Is Worth
Knowing ... ;->
Life''s lessons

1) Destiny is simply strength of our desires. If you cry at a trouble, it grows double. If you laugh at a trouble it disappears like a bubble...

2) Don''t complain about others; Change yourself if you want peace. It is easier to protect your feet with slippers than to cover the entire earth with carpet.

3) Every king was once a helpless baby and every great building was once a blue print. Its not where you are today, but where you''ll reach Tomorrow.

4) In the race between cat and mouse, the mouse mostly wins, because the cat is running for the food & mouse for its life. Remember purpose is more important than need.
My Message To The World. . .

If U Like Me...

Raise Your Hands. . .

If Not,

Raise Your Standards . . . |''!''|
The people whom we like very much

God always keep them away from us..

So that we miss them every moment

And think about them every second..
In complete darkness we are all the same & its only our knowledge & wisdom that seperates us.....

Don''t let your eyes deceive you.
A candle loses nothing of its light by lighting another candle.
You are one shining candle...... ..
May you never get tired of sharing your light!!