While I can run

While I can run
While I can run, I''ll run....
while I can walk, I''ll walk......
when I can only crawl, I''ll crawl.....
But by the grace of ALLAH, I''ll always be moving forward......

Jun, 19 2010     173 chars (2 sms)     2001 views       Decent

more Decent SMS Messages

Good Relations Don''t
Need Any Promises,
Terms & Conditions
They Just Need Two
Wonderful People-
"1 Who Can Trust
1 Who Can
Understand That
Trust" :)
A Carin Fren Doesn''t Call & Speak;

He Makes It Wit A $Imple Sms!

Bcz Sms Is Not Wat The Mouth Speaks;

Its Wat D Heart Really Feels.! ('';'')
Friendship Is What I Offered To U..
Peace Is What
I Pray For U. Happiness Is What I Wish For U..
But Rememberance
Is Whti Expect
Frm U
It''s Your Action of Today That Will
Create Your Destiny of Tomorrow...!
Act Continuously, Coz There''s NO 2nd Chance...!!!
A boy tried to lift a heavy stone but he couldn't move it,

His friend asked him:Are you sure you are using all your strength ?

Boy:Yes,i am.

Friend:No you are not because you haven't asked me to help you.
"I'm your Friend & I'm your Strength"
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don''t matter, and those who matter don''t mind.
Cute Feel : My Hands Never Pain

When Typing Message For You,

But My Heart Always

Pain When

There Is

No Reply

From YOU.!!
In ThE Rhytm Of Life . . . We SumTime Finds OurSelves Out Of Tunes . . .
But As Long As There Are Friend Like U To Provide Melody . . .
Muzik Plays On . . .
Dunia main 2 Log he Haseen 0r Zaheen HaiN

1.WO Jis ka MsG ap Parh rahy hAin


2.wo Jis ne Ye SmS ap ko bhAijhA hY
Janwar Ma
Frishtay Ma Aqal Hoti Hy

Magr Insan Ma Dono Hoti Hyn

Agr Wo Aql Ko Dba Le To Janwar


Agr Khuwahish Ko Dabata Hy

To Frishta Kehlata Hy
Aren''t U Glad That
GOD''s Hotline Doen''t Have A Recording
Tht Says
"The Number U Dialed Is Temporarily Unavailable
Plz Try Ur Call Letter"
U Can Call On Him Anytime . . .
So simple it is to Live.

So simple it is to Love.

So simple it is to Smile.

So simple it is to win.

But it''s too difficult to be so simple.