Love...... what you''ve got,
Remember....... what you had,
Learn from..... your mistakes,
Never regret,
People change,
Things go wrong,
Remember Life Goes On.....
Never try alone 2 take the weight of tear that comes out of your heart and falls through your eyes..
Always Remember A friend here to share ups and down in life.
LiFe Is LiKe PiAnO . . .
WhItE KeYs RePrESeNt HaPpInEsS & BlAcK OnEs ShoWs SaDnEsS . . .
BuT As U Go ThRoUgH LiFe . . .
ReMeMbEr ThAt
ThE BlAcK KeYs MaKe MuSiC ToO . . .
We Spend Our Days W8ng For The Ideal Path To Appear In Front Of Us.. . But.. . We Forget That, Paths Are Made By Walking.. . Not.. . By Waiting...! <-;