Come SMS Messages820 messages

Guard Well Ur Spare
Moments, They r Lyk
Uncut Diamonds.
Discard Them & Their
Value Will Nevr b Known
Improve Them & They
Will BeCome d Brightest
Gems In A Useful Life
"If You

Truly Believe
In Yourself

The Dreams
Will BeCome Reality


Failure Will Be No More ..." "If You

Truly Believe
In Yourself

The Dreams
Will BeCome Reality


Failure Will Be No More ..."
BeCome A
No Matter How Dark
Things Seem To Be Or
Actually Are, Raise
Your Sights & See
Always See Them, For
They Are Always There
Celebrate Your
Stand Strong
Adversity Hits...
For When
The Storm Clouds Come In
The Eagle Soar
While Other Birds
Take Cover ...
Difficulties In Your Life
Don''t Come To Destroy


Help Yo To Realize Your
Hidden Potential

Let The Difficulties
Know That ...

You Are DIFFICULT 2 !!
Watch Your Thoughts; They BeCome Words.

Watch Your Words; They BeCome Actions.

Watch Your Actions; They BeCome Habits.

Watch Your Habits; They BeCome Character.

Watch Your Character; It BeComes Your Destiny.
When Flood Comes

"Fish Eat Ants"

When Flood Goes Down

"Ants Eats Fish"

Time Matters ...

"GOD Gives Opportunity
To Everyone ..."
_ Unbeatable Lines _
Our body is fully made ov water
but whnevr it hurts,
Blood Comes out
Our Heart is full ov Blood
whnver it hurts,
Water Comes from our eyes
Life is Like An Hourglass ...
Everything Hits
The Bottom
All You Have To
Do Is Wait It Out
Someone Comes Along
Turns It Round ...

Life Is Not A Matter Of Milestone,
But Of Moments ...
The Leaves Will Wither & Die,
Life Goes On

The Branches Will Break
Life Goes On

Old Wood Is Tossed In To The Fire
Life Goes On

Seeds Sprout & New Growth Emerges
Life Goes On

Join This Caravan Or Stand By The Wayside
Life Goes On

WelCome Life Or Struggle Against It
Life Goes On
Once I happened to walk
on a high bridge

It was so high
that I got scared

I saw an Angel on
the other side.
I prayed To Allah 4 Help

But the Angel didn''t Come

I somehow managed to
cross the bridge

There I saw the Angel
holding the end of the
broken bridge ..

"Sometimes We think why
Allah is keeping quite ?"

HE is not helping
cross the bridge
HE might b holding the
broken bridge 4 U

Have Faith
Drop The Idea Of Becoming Someone,
You Are Already A Masterpiece.
You Cannot Be Improved.
You Have Only To Come To It, To Know It, To Realize It...