U r sweeter than

U r sweeter than
U r sweeter than honey.
purer than milk.
softer than flower.
since i have u as my lover,
come to me near,
i"ll kiss ur lips without fear.
u"ll say, having u is treasure & be wit me for ever.

Jun, 14 2010     197 chars (2 sms)     2546 views       Kiss

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I grab you from your waist pull you closer to my body look in to ur eyes touch your face gently with my finger tips then take your face in my both hands then i slowly lean in and kiss you my dear.
come on my love and make me feel your self
just come on babe u have burnt a flame of love
in my heart i am still burning in that,
if some one can quench my thrust in the desert of sorrows
it''s only you whenever i feel about you there comes tears
in my eyes and heart sighs u wouldn''t live without me,
come on my love ,just come on in my life for once..
NOrth to north,
south to south
my best direction is mouth to mouth..
If u read,u owe me a HUG,
if u delete,u Owe me a kiss,
if u save,u owe me a DATE,
if u return txt msg 2 me,
u OWE me All,
bt if u ignore,
U r MINe!
So wat will U do?
Will you love me in December as you do in May,
Will you love me in the good old fashioned way?
When my hair has all turned gray,
Will you kiss me then and say,
That you love me in December as you do in May?"
The fluffy cloud may kiss the sky,
the rose may kiss the butterfly,
the morning due may kiss the grass but
you my friend may kiss my lips!!
A kiss is special thing that you can cant take without giving,
and you cant give without taking.
Whats live ? Live is love.
Whats love ? Love is kissing.
Whats kissing ? Come here and I show you.
I will give you one kiss to go to sleep.
I give you two kisses to dream.
I give you an endless row of kisses to,
when you wake up in the morning, think of me.
whn u kiss a british girl she says "kiss me softly"
whn u kiss a american girl shw says "kiss me hardly" and
whn u kiss a paki girl she says "oai!! kisi nu dussi na"
My love for you grows more with each passing day,
The thought of your gorgeous face takes my breath away:
Those brown eyes fill my soul with happiness,
Those luscious lips I love to kiss
Love is blind
Be very kind
When I kiss you
Please don’t mind