Man to motel desk clerk

Man to motel desk clerk
Man to motel desk clerk
Man to hotel desk clerk:How much for room.
Clerk:depends on room size
Man:Do you take children?
Clerk:No, sir,only cash and credit cards

May, 14 2010     165 chars (2 sms)     2097 views       Funny

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''rabba dukh na dena mere DOST ko
muje chahy Sukh ka pahar day day,,

ghoomy new cycle pe Dost mera
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bookha na rakhna mery dost ko khany ko tazi daal day day
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phir na kehna kay DOST dua nhi kerty....''
HeIgHt Of ProFeSsIoNaL JeAlOuSy

A CoMmUnItY OwNeR bAnNeD AnOthEr CoMmUniTy OwNeR Coz He WaS CoPyInG HiS StUfF Frm OtHer"z CoMm.
& SaY
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Ans) WaTs uP "DuDh".... ;->
Meri Aankhon Ko Sapne Phir Dikha Gaya Koi,

Bujhti Sanson mein Mehak phir Jaga Gaya Koi,

Kya ye Such Much Pyaar hai..

Ya Phir se TOPI Pehna Gya Koi.
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1Danto Se Beer Ki Botle Kholna.
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Main Lanat Bhejta Hoon Tum Par Aur
Tumhari Dosti Par
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Koi Ta''aluq Nahi Rakhna Chahta
Sirf Tum Hii Nahi
Tumhari Soch Aur Rooh Bhi Khraab Hai
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Dosti Aur Insaaniat Dono Ki Tauheen Hy

Soch Ker Batao ye Kis Film ka Dialog Hy .... ;->
Step by step the journey goes on,
Little by little it may seem so long.
Forget about your past, you can"t change it,
Forget about your future, you cant predict it.
Just think about present, you can handle it.
Enjoy presents every moment & be happy....
i m sendinG This Fool msg
2 All Fools
who celeBrate
''''APRIL FOOL''''
You r a dog.

kiyon bura kaga na???

tarr bura mat mano

Dog means

Now u r smilling

Haans raha hai

Kutta kahin ka!...->
In Court Judge Said 2 Women:

U R Realy Brave,
Dako Ko Buhat Mera Tum Ne.

Woman:Mjhay Kya Pta Daako

Tha Me Samjhi Mera Shohar

Ghar Der Se Aya Hy
Sardi Ka Zaman Hai . . .
Mausam bhi Suhana Hai . . .
Ek Dou Sms Tou Ker De Ae DOST
Kia Balance 2008 Tak Chalana Hai . . . ;->
If one doctor doctors another doctor does the doctor who
doctors the doctor doctor the doctor the way the doctor he is
doctoring doctors? Or does the doctor doctor the way the
doctor who doctors doctors?
"When a doctor falls ill another doctor doctor''s the doctor.
Does the doctor doctoring the doctor doctor the doctor in his
own way or does the doctor doctoring the doctor doctors the
doctor in the doctor''s way"