year SMS Messages495 messages

Burden Of a year

Wh8 can b said in New year rhymes

Th8''z not been said a thousand times

The new years come , the old years go

We know we dream, we dream we know

We rise up laughing with the light

We lie down weeping in d night

We hug d world until it stings

We curse it then and sigh for wings

We live, we love, we woo, we wed

We wreathe our prides, we sheet our dead
We laugh, we weep, we hope, we fear

And th8''s the burden of a year
At the end of da year.
Thanx to those who hated me,
they made me a stronger person.

Thanx to those who loved me,
they made my heart bigger.

Thanx to those who were worried about me,
they let me know that they cared about me.

Thanx to those who left me,
they made me realize that nothing lasts forever.

Thanx to those who entered my life never left,
they made me know who i am.
Special thanks to all my friends,
who supp0rted me thr0ugh0ut da
year.. (:->
A Prayer When I''m Weary
As Onward I Trod,

A Little More Trusting,
Believing in God,

This I Would Wish for
Within Moments Dear,

Not a Lot - Just a Little
This Wondrous New year.

Happy New year.
If It didn''t Bring you Joy,
Just Leave it Behind.

Let''s Ring in the New year
With Good Things in Mind.

Let Every Bad Memory
That Brought Heartache and Pain.

And let''s Turn a New Leaf
With the Smell of New Rain.

Let''s Forget Past Mistakes
Making Amends for This year.

Sending You These Greetings
To Bring You Hope and Cheer.

Happy New year!
A NEW year
A New Challenge
A New Goal
A New Optimism
A New Aproach
A New Mission
A New Resolution
Wishng U a very
"Happy New year"
LeTs GaThEr ArOuNd & CeLeBrAtE d DaWn Of SpArKlInG nEw year
MaY iT bRiNg GiFtS oF jOyS, gOoD hEaLtH & sUrPrIsEs

BeSt WiShEs FoR d 1st MoRnInG oF 2010 (=
Politics, it seems to me, for years, or all too long,
has been concerned with right or left instead of right or wrong.
Hakumat k New year 2008 Par Awam ko Toofa:
1.AATA Band
2.GAS Band
3.BIJLI Band
Agar Awam Ki Haava Bhi Band Karna Chahta Hoo Too Cycle Par Mohar Lagain

1953 =1,9,5,3 "9"

she has died in ,!
2007= 2+0+0+7="9"

total period from 1953 to 2007 is
54 years=5 +4 ="9"

1st suicidal attack on her ,!
18 oct. = 1+8 ="9"

2nd suicidal attack on her in which she died
27 dec. = 2+7 ="9" .:)-
What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years. . . ?

The Answer Is " The letter "m"
What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years. . . ?

The Answer Is " The letter "m"
Correction Day

Tell Me 1 Bad Thing
That You Have Found
In Me & You Want Me
To Correct?
This Would Help Me To
Improve Myself This year

Reply Is Must &
be Honest