water SMS Messages144 messages

Like water, Be Gentle And Strong.

Gentle Enough To Follow The Natural Paths Of The Earth,

Strong Enough To Rise Up And Reshape The World.
Although water falls from a hill,

it never thinks it had fallen,

it raises to run as a river.

Our glory in life is not falling

but to raise at every fall.
A BiG pOt FuLl Of
cAn Be EmPtIeD By
A sMaLl HoLe ...
A lItTlE aNgEr Or EgO
WiLl BuRn Up
AlL tHe NoBiLiTy Of A
gOoD hEaRt ...

StAy CoOl n CaLm ... (=
Ups & Downs,
unexpected results & problems are a part of life. Never lose hope in any condition because the darkness of night always finishes with light of day. Remember
A man can live about 40 days without food
About 3 days without water
About 8 minutes without air But not for 1second without hope!
_ Unbeatable Lines _
Our body is fully made ov water
but whnevr it hurts,
Blood comes out
Our Heart is full ov Blood
whnver it hurts,
water comes from our eyes
If kisses were water, I will give u sea.
If hugs were leaves, I will give u a tree.
If u luv a planet, I will give u a galaxy,
If friendship is life I will give u mine.
My love for you is like water,
Falling countless…
The beating of my heart,
For you is so heavy and soundless,
The feeling of being in your arm is so
Precious and endless.......
My love for you is like water,
Falling countless…
The beating of my heart,
For you is so heavy and soundless,
The feeling of being in your arm is so
Precious and endless.
I want to lie with you in green pastures,
Swim with you in fresh, blue water.
I want to hold you until all times end,
I want to know you forever and be your friend.
Love me will you, this I ask,
Open up to me and take off your mask.
Kiss me, love me, my love for you never dies
Like a candle that never goes out,
My love for you burns on and on.
Please say yes as I ask you this,
Sweet angel of God, pure precious dove,
Will you marry me my love?
The Greatest Mistake In Love Is Trying To Possess It
It’ll Spill Out OF Hand Just Like water
Love Will Retrive From You If You Demand, If You Expect
Love Is Meant To Be Free, You Cannot Change Its Nature
If There Are People You Love, Allow Then To Be Free Beings.
Give, But Don’t Expect.
Advice, But Don’t Order
Ask, Never Demand . . .
Love is last stage of friendship,

its watered wid understanding,

which is d 1st stage of success!
"The taste of water can be
enjoyed only when we are thirsty..!"
Same way,
"The Love of a Persons
will be known when we are Alone"