water SMS Messages144 messages

Because of you I chose exile,
I’ve been estranged from my tribe for some time.

I watered my flower with my tears,
Injustice! Don’t take me away from my flower.

There’s nothing wrong if a king wants a pauper,
If a pauper desires a king, he can’t help it.

My desire is too high; my luck is too low,
There is no cure for this pain but death.

What’s with the melancholic ascetic?
He argues with me about faith and religion.

The religion of the lover is the beloved.
I’m taking no path but my own.

Oh God, one cannot argue with you, but,
why did you throw us in the fire of love?

You formed us with your power, and water and clay.
Why did you create the moon-like beauties?

You made eyebrows into pens, and locks of hair into lassos.
You made sugar-water limpid from sweet lips.

If you wanted me not to become afflicted and degraded,
why did you create lovesick girls?

If you wanted submission and prayers,
you would not have given beauties coquetry and coyness.

If false love is a sin,
why did you make drunkard eyes drunk?
I have a pen which is blue,
I have a friend which is you.
Flowers will die, waters will dry,
But our Friendship will never say Goodbye
Sharp is ur memory,
sweet is ur name,
deep in my heart u"ll always remain.
Earth wants water,
flower wants dew,
I want nothing but a smile from u
For me U r as... Chees 4 pizza.. passport 4 visa...
butter 4 bread.. ice 4 freezer.. cream 4 cake...
water 4 lake.. leaf 4 tree..
a FRIEND like u is 4 ever 4 me..!!
For me U r as... Chees 4 pizza..
passport 4 visa... butter 4 bread..
ice 4 freezer.. cream 4 cake...
water 4 lake.. leaf 4 tree..
a FRIEND like u is 4 ever.
It is scientifically proved that suger can dissolve in water,
so please dont go outside when it is raining,
cuz u r the sweetest in the whole world.
How 2 grow friendship? pick a good heart, plant in a pot of trust, water with good thoughts, add some emotions and faith, remove the misunderstanding and nourish it.
I have a pen which is blue, I have a friend which is you. Flowers will die, waters will dry, but our friendship will never say goodbye.
How long shall we be friends? Do you want a clue? As long as stars twinkle in the sky, till the water runs dry and till the day I die. We will be friends
Friendship that flows from the heart
cannot be frozen by adversity,
as the water that flows from the spring
cannot congeal in winter.
Science has proved that sugar melts in water,

so plz don`t walk in the rain,

otherwise I may lose a sweet friend like u