It is scientifically

It is scientifically
It is scientifically proved that suger can dissolve in water,
so please dont go outside when it is raining,
cuz u r the sweetest in the whole world.

Jun, 17 2010     151 chars (1 sms)     2342 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

Friends Are Like The Sun ...

They Never Fail To Proceed To Make All Your Days

Bright & Warm ... [-_-]
A Friend Is A Sweet Gift

An Emotnal Lift

A Heart Healer

A Mood Chiller

A Gem So Rare

An Answerd Prayer

A Hapy Mate


1 Word Its YOU

My Dear
A dEeP fRiEnDsHiP
Is LiKe A RaInBoW
WhEn ThE pErFeCt
AmOuNtS oF
hApPiNeSs & TeArS
aRe MiXeD,
ThE ReSUlT iS a CoLoRfUl
bRiDgE bEtwEeN tWo HeArTs ... :)
dosti yakin pe tiki hoti hai,
ye diwar badi mushkil se khadi hoti hai,
kabhi fursat mile to padhna kitab risto ki,
dosti khoon ke risto se badi hoti hai
" Zamien K Aastanoon Se Le Kar
Falak K Chand Taroon Tak,
Agar Hum Be-WafA Hain To."
The loveliest day comes when u wakeup each day & find out that luv still colours ur world through friends, who truly care & never fail to remember.
I Kept Ur Name

In My Journal


Posted In The Ledger

Of My Heart.

U''ll B Classified As An Asset,

Coz Ur Market Value

As A Friend Never Depreciate ! (:
FRIENDS r Like The Pillars On A Porch
Sometimes They Hold You Up
Sometimes They Lean On You
Sometimes Its Just Enuf To Know That They r Standing By (:
ur accused of crawlin'' in 2 my life,
& hijacking my smiles with ur cute SMS''s
U r found guilty n so u r sentenced
to b my friend 4 life!
No bail.......

Two Friends Are Two People Who
Are Comfortable Sharing Silence
Friends are those who take care without any hesitation,
Who remember you without limitation and
Who love you without any communication.
zindgi laher thi aap sahil huye,
na jane kaise hum apki dosti ke kabil huye,
nahi bhulayenge hum us hasin pal ko,
jab aap hamari chhoti si zindgi me samil huye.....