10 persons in a day pray 4 u...i wil b one of them...
if 5 persons in a day pray 4 u .i will b 1 of them...i
f 1 person in a day pray 4 u ..i will b that one...
and if no one prey 4 u..it means..
A True Friend Knows Your Weaknesses But Shows You Your Strengths; Feels Your Fears But Fortifies Your Faith; Sees Your Anxieties But Frees Your Spirit; Recognizes Your Disabilities But Emphasizes Your Possibilities.
A is 1
B is 2
C is 3
Z is 26 then
Interesting hai naa...
Friendship is twice stronger than Love...
Friend ship never ends,
If you ever feel that
its the end .
Then feel also ,
for a while
It might be the beginning
of a brand new start
Which will be better
Then first One !
FRIENDSHIP isn"t how U forGet but how U forGive,
Not how U liSten but how U UnderStand,
Not what U see but how U feel,
and not how U Let Go but how U hold oN!!!
A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere. Before him I may think aloud. I am arrived at last in the presence of a man so real and equal, that I may drop even those undermost garments of dissimulation, courtesy, and second thought, which men never put off, and may deal with him with the simplicity and wholeness with which one chemical atom meets another.