water SMS Messages144 messages

A Man Goes For Fishing,&

Catches A Big Fish..

He Comes Home & Asks His Wife To CoOk Da Fish..

Wife says: "How To Cook,
There is No Gas,No Electricity,No Wheat".

Man Goes And Puts The Fish Back in The water...

Fish Comes Up To The Surface And Shouts:

"Geo Musharaf";-
Considering his
achievments of
creating shortage of,






Musharaf has been
give the title of

Considering his
achievments of
creating shortage of,






Musharaf has been
give the title of

Quaid-e-Qillat... ;->
How lazy people like u wash face in the winter season?

They stand infront of da mirror, throw da water on da mirror & say
Oh God sooooooooooo cold water ;->
In a pond there are 10 fish,
1 of them dies,
And the water level of the pond
increases. . . How?


Can''t answer

I Tell U

The other 9 fish are crying ;->
HEight oF filM mAker

oVer heAd water tAnk in ShOley ,bUt nO electricity in villAge.
spell the word silk without looking here

now say "silk" 5 times

what does a cow drink?
milk? a cow drinks water...
Mom: Have you given the goldfish fresh water?
Child:No Mommy, they still have not finished the water I gave them last week... ;->
Mom: Have you given the goldfish fresh water?
Child:No Mommy, they still have not finished the water I gave them last week... ;->
wAt iS tHe difFerEncE bEtweEn H2O And CO2??????
H2O iS hOt water aNd CO2 is cOld wAt3r!!!
Mom: Have u given the goldfishs fresh water ?

Child: No Mom, They still have not finished the water i gave them last week . . . ;->
=|| cRaZy tHoUghT ||=

Save water

Take Bath


Neighbours Daughter