Like Water Be Gentle And

Like Water Be Gentle And
Like Water, Be Gentle And Strong.

Gentle Enough To Follow The Natural Paths Of The Earth,

Strong Enough To Rise Up And Reshape The World.

Jun, 15 2010     144 chars (1 sms)     3501 views       Inspirational

more Inspirational SMS Messages

Every Truth Passes Through Three Stages
Before It''s Recognized
In The First It''s Ridiiculed
In The Second It''s Opposed
In The Third, It''s Regarded As Self Evident . . .
Golden Words

When You Are in Light,
Everything Will Follow U.
When U Enter In Dark,
Even Ur Own shadow will Not Follow You.
Thats Life
What is success ?

In simple..

Success is......

When your Signature becomes an Autograph
Dere cud be 500 apples at a time on an apple tree & each apple has 10 seeds. "Why wud u need so many seeds 2 grow just a few more apple trees?" Well, bcoz
not all seeds bcum trees. Most seeds never grow. So if u want 2 make sumthing happen, u shud try more than once.
You Cannot Change Your Future . . .


U Can Change Ur Habbits . . .


Sure Ur Habbits Will Change Ur Future . . .
Wives Of
King Edward & King Shahjahan
Both died of
"Polycystic Ovary Syndrome"
in the same year
Both Kings immensly
loved their Wives
But Both had a different
way of expressing it
Shahjahan spent Billions
to make "Taj Mahal" in
memory of the beloved
King Edward built the
"University For Research"
Proclaiming that no one
else should die of the disease
which had snatched his
beloved Wife

"Such differences of thinking
determines the causes of
Rise Or Fall Of Nations ... "
If an egg is broken from outside , a life comes to an end
when the egg breaks from within , a life is born
Great n good things need to happen from within...!
Simple Yet Effective ...

A Journey Of

1000 Miles

Begins With

A Single Step ...
Worry Is The Misuse
Of Imagination ...

Have Confidence That

If You Have Done A Little Thing Well

You Can Do Bigger Thing Well Too ... :)
If Someone Points Out
Your Mistake ,

Be Happy That

At least Someone Is

Interested In

''''What You Have Done ...'''' (:
GoOd ChaRaCtEr iS dA best tOmBsToNe

ThOsE WhO LoVeD U n HeLpeD bY U

WiLl remember u WheN fOrGeT-Me-NoTs r WiTheReD

CaRvE uR NaMe oN
NoT On MaRbLeS ?
To be successful, you must decide exactly what you want to accomplish;
then resolve to pay the price to get it.