thank SMS Messages191 messages

Time Mite Lead Me To No Where


Faith Might BrMy True Friends Have Alwayz

Given Me That

Supreme Proof Ov Devotion

A Spontaneous Aversion For

The Man I Loved ak In To Pieces

Bu t

I''ll Alwayz Be thankFUL That

Once In My Life''s Journey We Became

FRIENDS . . . [~_~]
I thank The Lord For

The Gift Of Friendship

Where I Can Be Myself

And Be Accepted

As I Am And For

Finding A Home In

The Heart Of A Friend.
When You Ask GOD
For A Gift,

Be thankful If He Sends,

Not Diamonds, Pearl Or Riches,


The Love Of Real True Friends... :->
Life Is A Blank Page.

Each Frnd Holds A Pen

Nd Writes Their Own $TORY

In Everyones LIFE..!

thanks 4 Covering

Some WONDERFUL Pgs In My Life..
Time Might Lead Me
Sumwhere Away 4m
U & Fate Might Wipe
Me 4m Ur Memory...
BUT I Will Always B
thankful 2 God Dat
Once In A Life''s Jorney
V Bcame
FRIENDS... <-:
Just A Note 2Say That Our Friendship Has No ENding & Its Grows On & ON

Just A Note
Friendship Help UsOpen Our Heart In Way That We Thought Were Never Possible

Just A Note

thankyou 4 Being EveryThing 2 Me
thankYou 4 Being My Friend
1day I may die
wiTout sayng
gud bye2 U!
Bt I''ll nevr
4get2 say
thank U!
Bcoz U hve givn
me 1of loveliest
friendship ever in
my life!
*Best Buddies*
are hard to find..
So Today I choose to thank u 4 evrytime U made me smile, laugh,
4 evrytime U helped,
wiped a tear
I apologize 4 any inconvenience I caused,
4 evrytime I was rude,
4 anything that hurt U..
thank U for being a great part of My Small Life :)
Friendship Is A Lifelong Incurable Disease
Happy Heart
Lots Of Laughs
Few Fights
Couple Of Tears
Some Hugs n
Many Pointless Convrsations Via Sms Or Calls

If You''ve Any Of d Above Symptoms, Don''t Panic
Just Turn 2 GOD n thank HIM 4 Blessing You Wid d Best Illness Of d World (=
Have u ever thankED frnds.
For their smiles?
Their hellos?
Their taps at ur back?
Their way of calling ur name?

Imagine ur friends never doing tht anymore,
could u bear it?
"small things usually go unoticed,
but in reality,
they are the ones who make life look so easy n cheerful:

"I thank YOU 2 my dear" :-)
~D e d i c a t e d~

I find my hands full of Friends
I want to hold ''em tight as I fear losing ''em,
Then I laugh,
When I realize that they are the ones holding me....
thanks for being there for me...=)
in everything u do have a purpose,prepare to pursue ur
purpose with a prayer,ask 4 guidance, protection and
direction. Give thanks 2 answered prayers, have faith
in your ability 2 succeed, be positive and never look back.
If u keep all this in ur mind u wont wrong