thank SMS Messages191 messages

A friend is like gas blown from the ass,
which creates noise n nuisance to others
but gives me a great comfort.
thanks for being gas of my ass.
* end again. It is nice to have a friend like U making my everyday seems so great. thank U my good friend lastly gd nite n sweet dreams...
I was never tired of this life and it''s not gonna matter if I fall down twice, coz I know each time I fall, you won''t let me hit the ground. thanks for being around
FRIEND Means. . . ?

F – Free From All Formalities

R – Rite To Say Anything

I – In Anyway

E – Either Good Or Bad

N – No Sorry No thanks

D – Daantna Peetna Allowed . . . . :->
_ (-_-) _
Can u close ur eyes 4 minutes plz...!

thank u...

Did u c?
Hw dark it iz...

Thiz iz life withiout sweet frends... so have gud frend me!
thank you for touching my life in ways you may never know.

My riches do not lie in material wealth,

but in having friend like you - a precious gift from God.
thank you for touching my life in ways you may never know.
My riches do not lie in material wealth but in having friends like you a precious gi ft from God!
F-Free frm all formality
R-Right 2say anything
I-In Anyway
E-Either Good &Bay
N-No Soory No thanks
D- Dantna Pitna Allowed.OK
Your smile is my sunrise, your kiss is
my sunset. thank you for being the
most wonderful friend and companion.
(-_-) Can u Close Ur Eyes For a Minute Plz.
thank You
Did You Feel How Dark it Was?
This is My Life Without a Sweet Friend Like U
A single candle can illuminate an entire room.
A true friend lights up an entire lifetime
thanks for the bright lights of your friendship.
thanks GOD
Who Honoured Me Ur Friendship
GOD Almighty Keeps This With Trueness, Honestly, Peacefully &
Wid The Enjoyment Of His Blessings
GOD Almighty Helps Us On The Matter To Persisting Our Relation Through Friendship
Alwayz Tc n Keep Smiling . .