thank SMS Messages191 messages

I may not say it always.
But, I mean it whenever I say it.
thank You Teacher
For all the things you have done for me.
Happy Teachers Day!
Dear Teacher,
thanks for making us what we are today.
Happy teachers Day
thanks for being a
true mentor of our hearts.

Happy Teachers day
Without you, we would have been lost.
thank you teacher for guiding us, inspiring us
And making us what we are today.
Happy Teachers Day!
Teacher is a person
who always helps everybody
to get the knowledge
always stands beside the students
when they have problems.
thanks for being my teacher.
Happy Teachers Day
Every day gives us this oppourunity to better our life,to improve ourself and to work hard and thank God for the countless bleassings he has bestowed upon us.
"Sawat Girl Fake Punishment"

Yahoodi Propaganda Against Islam..
Can you Imagine?
After 34 Flicks the Girl Easly Stood up and Walked,
How is it Possible?
Like this more fake videos on "You-Tube"
Please Fwd this massege and save Isalam and Pakistan, And those who Beleive in this Videos..
!|¡!|¡ T o d a y z
T h o u g h t ¡|!¡|!

"It''s Easy To Say
"I Love You"


It''s More Meaningful To thank Someone For Loving You..."
Rain Is A Wonderful Oppoutinity
To Pray
To Love
To Care
To Share
To Enjoy
To thank Allah For All His Blessings We
Wish U
Happy Rainy Season
Rain is a wonderful opportunity

To love

To care

To share

To enjoy


To thank God 4 all His blessings we receive

Dear Subscriber!Good Morning!!!Ur due date to take bath for
this month is today...Please take bath by due date to avoid
khujli,dandruf..... thanks!!!!
Gud morning.........Kindly observe SILENCE for 2 minutes in
the memory of of of those poor mosquitoes who died last night
after sucking ur blood.thankS