smile SMS Messages626 messages

A boy was going with his Girlfriend,
a friend asked:Who is she ?
Boy:My cousin.
Friend smiled & said:Last year she was my cousin.
A dimple is a sign of pretty face!
a smile is a sign of joy!
a hug is a sign of love!
A friend like me in Yr life,


thats a sign of ur damn Gud taste:)
Sometimes When We Cry,No One see r tears, ;-(

Wen we r woried
No One see r pain,

Wen We r happy
No One see r smile, :-D

js din result ata hy tou P0ra khandaan phone kr k puchta hy kaisa rha result.

_/ \_ Dekh yr tbi gusa ata hy:
My EyEs LiE ...

My smile DeCieVeS ..

NoW nOtHiNG Is LeFt ..

JuSt PaLe AuTuMn LeAvE ...


My ...
BrOkEn HeArT tHat BlEeDs ....
Boy- Do you love me?
Girl-Yes !!
Boy-Prove it!
Boy-Jump down from the roof..
She walked up to the edge and said with a smile
Girl- Push me!
I love your eyes,
I love your smile,
I cherish your ways,
I adore your style

You are 1 of a kind & 24/7
smile in Pleasure
smile in Pain
smile when trouble pours like Rain
smile when someone Hurts U
smile because SOMEONE
still Loves to see u Smiling
Tree leaves do not look green forever,
Roses do not look fresh forever,
But I pray to ALLAH that
smile on your lips stay forever.

Good Morning & Have A Nice Day
It Is Very Ussual 2 Ask

Whats Up?
H R U?
Had Ur Lunch?
Hows Life etc etc,

So Let Me Ask U Something Different

Did U smile 2day?
If not Just do it now;-)
A line said by a friend to his friend after both got busy in their lives & didn't contact each other.
"Miss your smile a lot but I miss my own smile more"
smile Is The 2nd Best Thing U Do With Ur Lips.
Of Course You Know The First One... :-D

It's Keeping Ur Mouth Shut. :-P
But I Like The Way U Think! ;-)