smile SMS Messages626 messages

Always smile ,you know why?
B’coz…..Hanso! Jiyo! …
Muskurao!…Kya Pata…
Kal Daant ho na ho!…
Keep smiling..
Always try to be more sensitive about peoples feelings.

Because sometimes a tear means happiness and a smile means hurt..
My mind stops when I think of you

It takes me in the palm of your arms

Despite the distance that separates us

It reminds me your sweet eyes

It takes me to your kisses

My heart can not forget

I think of your smile

That keeps me awake

But I’ll eventually fly

To our story its just beginning.

I Love You
You Can Hide Alot …
Behind A smile

B r o k e n
H e a r t

S h a t t e r e d
D r e a m s

L o n g i n g
D e s i r e s …
U give my life meaning and make me whole. I 4get my troubles with just a smile and a hug. Ur the most amazing person i know. i thank god that i have u! <3
One of the best things in life is seeing a smile on a persons face and knowing that you put it there.

'My prayer for You:

May Allah break the front teeth of those people who plot evil against you

so that you know your enemies by their
smiles...!!! :D ;)'
A 24 year old boy seeing out 4rm train's window shouted.

Dad, look the trees r going behin!

Dad smiled nd a young couple sitting nearby looked at the 24 year old's childish behavior with pity.
suddenly he again exclaimed

"dad look the clouds r running with us!"
the couple couldn't resist and said to the old man.
"why don't you take ur son to a good Doctor??"
the old man smiled and said "I did nd we are just coming 4rm hospital. my son was blind 4rm birth he just got his eyes today"

MOral: Every single person on the planet has a story' don't judge people be4 u know them. the truth might surprise u.
Morning Time a Cup of Hot Hello,
A Plate
Crispy Wishes,
A Spoon
Sweet smile
A Slice
Great Sucs's.
Only 4 U.
U'r day.
Every little smile can touch somebody's heart.
May u find 100's of reasons to smile today!
May u be the reason for someone else to smile!
Good Day!
1 day dream asked life : "when v all cum tru?"
Life smiled n replyd :
"never, coz d day all of u cum true
i'll lost my meaning"
My smile ...
Doesn't always mean
"I m Happy ..."
It Means
"I Can Manage ..."
It Just Means
"I m Tired Of Crying ..."