may Allah break the front teeth of those people

may Allah break the front teeth of those people

'My prayer for You:

May Allah break the front teeth of those people who plot evil against you

so that you know your enemies by their
smiles...!!! :D ;)'

May, 25 2012     168 chars (2 sms)     3139 views       Inspirational

more Inspirational SMS Messages

You Are Educated

When You Have The Ability

To listen To Almost Anything

Without Losing Your

Temper & Self Confidence
A BiG pOt FuLl Of
cAn Be EmPtIeD By
A sMaLl HoLe ...
A lItTlE aNgEr Or EgO
WiLl BuRn Up
AlL tHe NoBiLiTy Of A
gOoD hEaRt ...

StAy CoOl n CaLm ... (=
If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”
Tears Can some times Be More Special Than Smiles,


Smiles Can b Given to Every 1 ,
But tears Are Shed Only For The person V Truly Love...!
life is not a reharsal
each day is a new show
no repeat
no rewind
give ur best shot in all acts.

cuz even if u dont..the show will go on
kuch khoney ka gham hee asal mein hamarey dar kee wajah banta hai,

issi liye auo aur tamam ghamon ko apni khushiyon mein badlein aur sabit kar dein k

"dar k aagey jeet hai"
Life Is Not A Rehearsal
Each Day Is A New Show
No Repeat, No Rewind.
So Give Ur Best Shot In All Ur Acts
As TheShow Goes On And On
When people talk behind your back,

what does it mean??


It means that you are two steps ahead of them!!

So, Keep moving ahead in Life!!
iZ lIkE
H O N E Y ...

cAn SpReAd It
AlL aRoUnD


SoMe WiLl
StIlL sTiCk To
Y O U ... (:
Billgates gav3 5$ tip to the waiter.

Waiter: Sir, yesterdy ur son gav 50$ tip & u gave only 5$?
Billgates: He is the son of Millionaire,
i m the son of farmer.
Dont C Others As Doing
Better Dan Urself

Beat Ur Own Records

EVERYDAY & U Wil Surely Get Success

Success Is A Fight Between U & URSELF
One Of The Sad Fact
Of Life . . .

"It''s Tough When
Someone Special Begins
To Ignore You,
It''s Even Tougher To
Pretend That You Don''t
Mind . . . "