Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it. Believing a solution paves the way to solution
Nothin Is Worth More han This Day
U Can''t Relive Yesterday . .
Tommorow Is Still Beyond Ur Reach . . .
So Go Ahead Live Today . . B''coz It''ll Never Come Tommorow. .
One Day Ur Dreams Will Come True. . . One Day Ur Presence Shall Be Precious. . . One Day You''ll Be The Happiest Person In This World And That Day May Be Today . . . .
Running thru Da Monsoon
Beyond Da World
Where Da Rain Wont Hurt
Fightin Da Storm
Into Da blue
n'' When I Lose Myself I Think Of You
Together we''ll be runnin Sumwhere New Thru Da Monsoon
A mud pot filled wid Milk will alwayz rank higher than a Gold pot filled wid POISON...
Its not our outer glamour but our inner virtues that make us VALUABLE!