
Every little smile can touch somebody's heart.
May u find 100's of reasons to smile today!
May u be the reason for someone else to smile!
Good Day!

Mar, 30 2012     150 chars (1 sms)     3028 views       Greeting

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V r Cute Daughters,
V r Sweet Sisters,
V r Darling Wives,
V r Adorble Mothers.
V r Source of Strength
And v r proud to be one..

Lets celebrate Our Day..
Dedicate To All the Beautiful Women I know..

Happy Women''s DAY
Everyday is a happy day

as long as you text me once a day.

I tell you, this is no lie.

A text from you always

makes me smile.
It''s been said that
When a child is born,
The Angels sing!
We are sure the Angels
Are singing to welcome
your new little one ..... :)
The most romantic season is just around the corner.
So all winter lovers say tata to summers & hello to chilled winters.
Say Hi to your best coffee..
Bye to hot shot tea n cold cold juices.
Shake your hand to all those sweaters nd chao to sleeve less outfitz.
0nce more falling in love wid dry fruits n soups
So make full of it
Enjoy as much as you can
All those chilled datez
Textng in razai & Movies in blanket
Enjoy the love of winter... (-,=)
Kashmir Is Very Beautiful Valley But Under

The Control Of India,

Today is Kashmir Day, So Please Pray For Muslims
Of Kashmir.

May Allah Give Them Freedom


Also Pray For (Palasteen) Gaza''s Muslims

That They Get Freedom From Isreel.

Azaad Pakistan ke Nalaik
Nojawano Agar Aaj Valentines
Ya Friendship Day Hota To INBOX Full Hota Chalo!
Jaldi Se Utho Or Sab Ko Wish Karo.
HAPPY Pakistan Day’
Success doesnt lie in the "Results",
but in the "Efforts"

the Best is NOT so important,

the Best is all that matters!

havE A guD daY_ ;->
This Morning I Got A Call From Heaven,

They Said They Were Missing An Angel...

But Don''t Worry,

I Won''t Tell Them U R Here...

Good Evning..
Someday Somehow

Watever U Prayed For Will COME TRUE...

It May Not Be In The Exact

Pakage U Wanted...


It Will Be What GOD

Thinks Is Best For YOU...
You may think it''s over ...
It''s just beginning.
Enjoy the journey
with your new
little one,
It will be a great ride .. :)
"No nation is perfect,

it needs to be made perfect" ,

happy republic Day.
Gud Deeds R Alwayz In Fornt Of U . .
Bad Evils R Alwayz Behind U . . .
If U Turn Back Evil Will Ran Away . . .
Nd Then No One Can Stop U 2 Improve Ur Self.
Have A Gud Day