It''s been said that

It''s been said that
It''s been said that
When a child is born,
The Angels sing!
We are sure the Angels
Are singing to welcome
your new little one ..... :)

Jun, 16 2010     140 chars (1 sms)     2342 views       Greeting

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Azaad Pakistan ke Nalaik
Nojawano Agar Aaj Valentines
Ya Friendship Day Hota To INBOX Full Hota Chalo!
Jaldi Se Utho Or Sab Ko Wish Karo.
HAPPY Pakistan Day’
Aye Quaid !

Tare baad bhi guzre hyn kuch log ,

Magar teri khushbu na gai raah-guzar se . . .!

Happy Quaid Day
She has many roles to play -








Every Legend is born of her pain...

A salute to all the Women of the world...

This Morning I Got A Call From Heaven,

They Said They Were Missing An Angel...

But Don''t Worry,

I Won''t Tell Them U R Here...

Good Evning..
Dosti Imtehan Nahi Pyar Mangti Hai,
Nazar Sirf Aapka Deedar Mangti Hai,
Zindgi Apne Liye To Kuch Bhi Nahi Lekin,
Aap K Liye Duaen Hazar Mangti he.
Happy brithday my sweet
No Life Ever Grows
Great Until It Is Focused,

Dedicated, And Disciplined.

But No Life Is Ever Happy

Until It Is Lived For The

Glory Of God.

Keep The Faith.
Khul Ke Barse Rooh Par Abr-E-Karam
Jhom Ke Rakhon Madene Mein Qadam
Rehmat Ul Lil Almeen
Khulq E Azeem
Sarware Deen
Mujtaba O Muhtasham
Sallalahu Ale Hi Waale Hi Wasalam
Promises are like

crying babies in a theater,

they should be carried out at once.

Happy Promise Day SMS
V r Cute Daughters,
V r Sweet Sisters,
V r Darling Wives,
V r Adorble Mothers.
V r Source of Strength
And v r proud to be one..

Lets celebrate Our Day..
Dedicate To All the Beautiful Women I know..

Happy Women''s DAY
V hve been givin tribute to a
number ov famous people,
But 2day on 11.Sep 4got d real gr8 man
"Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah"
Lets do th8, Jst say 1ce
Quaid-e-Azam Paindabad
Success doesnt lie in the "Results",
but in the "Efforts"

the Best is NOT so important,

the Best is all that matters!

havE A guD daY_ ;->
thousands laid down their lives

so that our country breath this day...

never forget their sacrifice..

Happy Republic day 26th Jan