Promises are like

Promises are like
Promises are like

crying babies in a theater,

they should be carried out at once.

Happy Promise Day SMS

Jun, 16 2010     115 chars (1 sms)     2279 views       Greeting

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However d Yestrday
Sunny Or Stormy Or

Life Begins Each

Is d Open Door 2
A New World
New Vistas
New Aims
New Trying :)
Every little smile can touch somebody's heart.
May u find 100's of reasons to smile today!
May u be the reason for someone else to smile!
Good Day!
Nothing in nature is 4 itself

Rivers don''t drink their own water

Trees don''t eat their own fruit

Sun doesn''t give heat 4
Flower don''t spread fragrance 4 themselves

Living 4 others is the way of life...!

Have A Blessed Day (:
Salam Pakistan:


Wishing You

"Happy Resolution Day"

23 March.
Always try to be more sensitive about peoples feelings.

Because sometimes a tear means happiness and a smile means hurt..
The willingness to listen,

the patience to understand,

the strength to support,

the heart to care & just to be there….

that is the beauty of a lady!

Happy Women’s Day!
It''s been said that
When a child is born,
The Angels sing!
We are sure the Angels
Are singing to welcome
your new little one ..... :)
Success doesnt lie in the "Results",
but in the "Efforts"

the Best is NOT so important,

the Best is all that matters!

havE A guD daY_ ;->
Khul Ke Barse Rooh Par Abr-E-Karam
Jhom Ke Rakhon Madene Mein Qadam
Rehmat Ul Lil Almeen
Khulq E Azeem
Sarware Deen
Mujtaba O Muhtasham
Sallalahu Ale Hi Waale Hi Wasalam
She know how 2 live with justice.

She know how 2 live like legend.

She love''s her envirmont whtevr is it''

she is symbol of tolerence''

she iz a WOMAN!
Plz respect a WOMAN bcoz''
some time she''z MOTHER, a sister, a daughter n a wife.
Happy woman''z day... ;->
She has many roles to play -








Every Legend is born of her pain...

A salute to all the Women of the world...

There Are Some Unforgettable Days
In The History Of Any Nation…

<23rd March 1940>

Is Very Important Day
On Which
Quaid Gave A Plateform
To The Movement Of Pakistan
And This Is A
Milestone Of Pakistan’s History…
