We are so happy your new baby is here.
We send you blessings, love and lots of cheer!
Of all the blessings God sends from above,
the one most precious is a new baby to love.
A gift from above,
May your heart always feel the love... :)
V hve been givin tribute to a
number ov famous people,
But 2day on 11.Sep 4got d real gr8 man
"Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah"
Lets do th8, Jst say 1ce
Quaid-e-Azam Paindabad
Khul Ke Barse Rooh Par Abr-E-Karam
Jhom Ke Rakhon Madene Mein Qadam
Rehmat Ul Lil Almeen
Khulq E Azeem
Sarware Deen
Mujtaba O Muhtasham
Sallalahu Ale Hi Waale Hi Wasalam