name SMS Messages274 messages

Who stole the stars & put them in your eyes?
Got a name or shall i call you mine?
When you feel cold and warm at the same time,
when you read over the same line for the tenth time,
when your heart and thoughts somehow appear to rhyme,
and when a simple name conquers your whole mind,
then you are in deep trouble my friend...
you are in what they call, "love".
Every Time I Think Of You, I''m sad ...

Every Time I Hear Your name, I''m Mad ...


Every Time I Think Of How You Make Me Feel, I''m Glad ... =)
Sweet Quote From
An 8 Years Old Kid

"LOVE Is When
I Can''t Pay Attention
In Class
I m Too Busy In
Writing ''HER'' 1st name
With ''MY'' Last name ..." (:
One Of The Best Love Quote Ever Said:

I Have Written Her name

On My Heart

Because God Didn''t Write Her name

In My Destiny.
The Cutest
Proposal of d World from a cute Girl to a Boy.......

Girl- "Hey, I have lost my Surname....
Can I use Urs"....=)...
There was a beautiful girl named Rexona and a hand some boy named Cinthol, Rexona & cinthol fell in love with each other. Rexona parents were Hamam & Margo, cinthol parents were wheel & Nirma, Rexona was very excited to make cinthol his "Life Boy".

They wished to marry and approach their aunt 501 who mannages to convince them. Rexona & cinthol were very happy in thier love they fixed their marrige at " Fair & lovely " garden opposite to Santoor theatre, Medimix city.

They invited their friends Lux, Dove, Dettol, Savlon, Tide, Fa, Jo and others, Rexona and cinthol got married and lived Happily in their Dream land "PEARS" and after 1 year they got twins ''Johnson & Johnson''
I hide my tears when I say your name, but the pain in my heart is still the same. Although I Smile & Seem Carefree, There is no one Who misses you more than ME!
Message: * some text missing*

Message: * some text missing*

Sender:* name Missing *

*Number Missing *Sent:

* Date missing *

Missing U a lot thats y everything is missing....
I hide my tears when i say ur name;
But the pain in my heart is still the same;
Although i smile & seem free, there''s no one who misses u more than me.
I heard some1 whisper ur name, but when i turned 2 see who it was, i notice i was alone, then i realize it was my heart telling me that i Miss U!
Someone remembers
someone cares..
ur name is whispered in somebody''s prayers.
Keep the bright hope of sunshine in view,
someone is warmly thinking of You.