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Cute Answer For A
Difficult Question

name The Court Where
All Big Sins & Faults
r 4given In a Second ?

A Small Child Smile &
Its My MOM''s Heart ... (:
If I can only touch the RAINBOW

I will write YOUR name on top of it

To let the PEOPLE know

How COLORFUL is my LIFE to have a PERSON like U ... (:
Forget The Times He Walked By,
Forget The Times He Made You Cry,
Forget The Times He Spoke Your name,
Remember Now Your Not The Same.
Forget The Times He Held Your Hand,
Forget The Sweet Things If You Can,
Forget The Times & Don''t Pretend,
Remember Now He''s Just Your Friend.
There r few things
Tat must be don
B4 one says Goodbye
One''s Eyes must
4get another''s face
One''s Ears must
4get another''s voice
One''s Mind must
4get another''s name.
One''s Heart must
4get that he/she had loved
that person more than
his/her own life
One likes darkness, another is in the light.
Another drills to pile up worldly possessions.

What is, is in love, the rest is futile.
The world is nothing, its sultan and its shah all nothing.

Was there ever a sultan whose throne survived?
Is there a lover in this world whose name will fade?

May God bless my father who told my teacher:
"Teach my son love’s lesson, and nothing else."

Look at the soil and rock of the desert;
they’re mourning Majnun’s tears.

If Mazun dies as a pauper,
write on his tombstone: This is love’s abode. And nothing else
What Is, Is In Love (S6)

I’m a moth circling the light of the beloved’s face.
Give me your soul-nourishing hand, and nothing else.

If my body is cut from head to toe,
Every joint is love’s abode, and nothing else.

When the drum of “Am I not your Lord?” was beaten,
to test the friend from the enemy,
when the Friend asked, He heard His answer:
I said the name of love, and nothing else.

(Carl’s English poetic experiment:
I said “trouble!” but that’s
love, and nothing else.)
Fears wash away from one single touch
Longing to be closer so to your waist I clutch
I shuffle my feet closer to the edge
Fears resurfacing, I can''t fall from this ledge
But then you take my hand into yours, what a sensation!
I peer over the edge for a look at sweet temptation

To Keep suppressing this feeling is to keep telling lies
I don''t feel frightened when you look into my eyes
I lean over the edge just a little more
I hear you call my name again just like before
If I should let go and fall from this ledge above
Tell me, will you reach out and catch me if I fall in love?
I stand at the edge straight as a board
Overwhelmed by my fears my desires ignored
I reach out my hands only to hold myself back
My mind racing sorting fiction from fact
My head lifts and eyes brighten when I hear you call
Still I remain motionless, I don''t wanna fall

I''m afraid, but what exactly am I afraid of?
My heart shutters at the thought of falling in love
Overcome by fear I remain completely still
My emotions can''t deepen if I refuse to feel
Once again my name escapes from your lips
I feel the gentle brush of your sweet fingertips
You wonder if its real
how do you know it''s true?
sorry honey,
I can''t answer that for you

but Ill ask you some questions
lets see how you do,
lets see if this guy
is really right for you

ok, what do you see
when you look into his eyes?
can you imagine if
he wasn''t in your life?

do you get butterflies
when you hear his name?
does he tell you all the time
that he feels the same?

do you restless
every second your apart?
last one girl,
can you feel it in your heart?
Sharp is ur memory,
sweet is ur name,
deep in my heart u"ll always remain.
Earth wants water,
flower wants dew,
I want nothing but a smile from u
Dont write your name on sand, waves will wash it.
Dont write your name on sky, wind may blow it.
Write your name on hearts of your friends,
thats where it will stay.
R: ROOT ofJOy!..
E: END of SoRROW!..
N: name of HOPE!..
dats YOU my FRIEND..