name SMS Messages274 messages

Forget The Times He Walked By,
Forget The Times He Made You Cry,
Forget The Times He Spoke Your name,
Remember Now Your Not The Same.
Forget The Times He Held Your Hand,
Forget The Sweet Things If You Can,
Forget The Times & Don't Pretend,
Remember Now He's Just Your Friend.
sweet is your nature.dear is your name.close to my heart u wil earth want water.flower want dew. i want nothing but happines for u..
HeateD Go|d BeCoMes OrnamenT

BeaTeD CoPpeR BeCoMeS WiRe



ThE MoRePaIn U GeT In LyF

MoRe Va|ueAb|e U BeCoMe....
Suppose if i have no name, with what name u would like to call

me as per my nature & character ?send this to all ur friends enjoy the answer.

Reply me 1st
Someone Remembers, Somebody Cares, YOUR name Is Whispered In Somebody’s Prayers, Keep The Bright Hope Of Sunshine In View, Someone Is Warmly Thinking Of You
Like words written on sand,
To be washed away by a rough tide.
Or, like a name etched on a rock
Withstanding the assault of time.
I may Not Be The Most
Important Person In
Your Life


I Just Hope That

1 Day When You Hear
My name

You Would Just Smile
& Say

"hey ! That''s My Friend..." (=
D Child In A Hurry Askd Sftly:
Oh GOD, If Im Abt 2
Leave Nw Plz Tel Me
My Angel''s name

GOD Rplied:
Ur Angel''s name Is Of
No Importance
U''ll Simply Call Her
My PHONE Lubs It
When U Text ...
Its Litle Face
Lights Up
Bursts Into Beep
Has Ur name
Written All Over It
I Think U Shud Text
More Often,
It Likes U Like Me ... =)
Rivers, Ponds, Lakes
& Streams ...
They All Have
Different names
They All Contain Water.
Just As Religions Do
They All Contain Truths...

~Mohammad Ali~
Delete My name
From Ur

Delete My Msgs
From Ur Inbox

Only Keep Me

Ur Heart 4ever...
There r Two Kind
Of People In This World

1-Those Who Remember names


2-Those Whose names r Remembered

Choice Is Yours