good SMS Messages1058 messages

A good Way To Differentiate Love And Friendship:

"Without U I Can''t Live"- Is Love.

"U Must Live, I M With U" -This Is Frndship
A good Relationship Is Not When Two

"Perfect People"

Come Together.

But Itz When Two

"Imperfect People"

Learn To Enjoy Their Differences
4 Steps To Attain Success!

1st T H I N K.

2nd B E L I E V E.

3rd D R E A M .

4th D A R E.

good L U C K.
The Wrong Kind Of
People Dislike You
For The good In You


The Right Kind Of
People Like You
Knowing Even
The Bad In You ...

That''s Make A good
Relationship .. !!!
I Want Go Back To
That Time

When ''''Getting High''''
Meant On ''''Swing''''

When ''''Mom'''' Was
The Only ''''Hero''''

When ''''Dad''s Shoulders''''
Were The ''''Highest Place''''
On Earth

When ''''Worst Enemies''''
Were Ur ''''Siblings''''

When The Only Thing
That Could ''''Hurt'''' U
Were ''''Skinned Knees''''

When The Only Things
''''Broken'''' Were Ur ''''Toys''''


When ''''good Byes'''' Only
Meant ''''Till Tomorrow''''
I Pray For You

A Life That You
"Truly Deserve"

A Life As good As Your

A Life As Bright As Your


A Life As Wonderful As Your
"Dream" ... (=
good Relationship r
Like Trees
They Demand
Attention & Care
In The Beginning
Once They Blossom
They Provide You
Shade In All Situations
Of Life ...
6 Rules 4 good Life

Dawat Den Eman Ki
Ibadt Kren Allah Ki
Khdmt Kren Walden Ki
Sorat Bnae Momin Ki
Tlavat Kren Quran Ki
Mkhalft Kren Shetan Ki
Corporate Lessons.....
"We Will Do It"
"U Will Do It."
"U Have Done A Great Job"
"More Work Will Be Given To U."
"We R A Team"
"I Am Not The Only One To Be Blamed."
"That Is A good Question"
"I Do Not Know Anything About It."
"All The Best "
"U R In Trouble." :)
good Relations Don''t
Need Any Promises,
Terms & Conditions
They Just Need Two
Wonderful People-
"1 Who Can Trust
1 Who Can
Understand That
Trust" :)
Some People Don''t
How Important Their
Presence Is,
How good It Feels To
Have Them Around.
How Comforting Their
Words Are.
And How Satisfying Is
The Every Thought
That They Exist,
They Wouldn''t Know,
Unless We Tell Them...
Like I''m Telling You
You Are Truly Valued :)
You can kiss Your "Family & Frnds" good-bye
Put miles b/w You,
But at the same time
You carry Them with You
in Your heart, mind & stomach,
"You don''t just live in a world but a world lives in You" =)