Good Relationship r

Good Relationship r
Good Relationship r
Like Trees
They Demand
Attention & Care
In The Beginning
Once They Blossom
They Provide You
Shade In All Situations
Of Life ...

Jun, 19 2010     161 chars (2 sms)     1891 views       Decent

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Life Is Like A Book
Turn Over The
Pages Day By Day....
You Can Find New
Experience Everyday.
So Enjoy Ur Life With New Experience.
Gud Afternun
The happiest of people don''t necessarily have the
best of everything; they just make the most of
everything that comes along their way.
Four Things Never Come Back:

The Triggered Bullet,

The Spoken Word,

The Wasted Time,

The Neglected Opportunity !

So,Think Twice,Act Wise.
Try Understndin Diz Msg,
Dn U Cn Reach Any Height In Ua Lyf

"An Inch Of Time Is An Inch Of Gold,

Bt U Cnt Buy Dt Inch Of

Time Wd Any Inch Of Gold..
Dedicate To My Special Friend HumAyun. . .

If U See Lots Of Dead Bodies . . !

It''S A "Drone"

And If U C Lots Of Text . . !

It Must Be . . .


Keep Visiting &

Enjoy The Art Of Texting.

Edit By AL¡ Bha¡
One can easily understand a child who is afraid of the dark.

The real tragedy of life is when grown men and women are afraid of light.
In the end,
only 3 things matter the most:
How fully u lived,
how deeply u loved
how well u learned to let go of things not meant for u!
A Face Can Speak Thousand Emotions
But It Can Easily Mask What Heart
Truly Feels ... Don''t Be Fooled
By The Happiest Face . It May Be
Masking The Most Hurting Heart ...
Always Have A Unique Character Like SALT,

It''s Presence Is Not Felt


It''s ABSENCE Makes All Things

Like a tear unshed,
Stalling the ache.
Or, a deluge uncontrolled.
Drowning hope in its wake.
If someone would ask me what a beautiful life means, I would lean my head on your shoulder n hold u close to me n answer with a smile:
''''Like this''''
How much can sum1 care?

A man suffring frm brain tumor died.

His wife opned his cupboard

n found sum tablets wid a letter

"take them dear.

U catch cold easily when u cry."