Good Relationship r

Good Relationship r
Good Relationship r
Like Trees
They Demand
Attention & Care
In The Beginning
Once They Blossom
They Provide You
Shade In All Situations
Of Life ...

Jun, 19 2010     161 chars (2 sms)     1938 views       Decent

more Decent SMS Messages

Always Have A Unique Character Like SALT,

It''s Presence Is Not Felt


It''s ABSENCE Makes All Things

The Four Things
That Can Spoil Ur Life Are :



Forget Them
Books says “Read Me”,
Money says “Earn Me”
Time says “Plan Me”,
Flowers says “Love Me”,
My SMS says “Just Remember Me”
Way To Live . . .

Do All Da Good U Can

By All Means U Can
At All Da Time U Can

In Aal Da Places U Can

To All Da People U Can

As Long As Ever U Can
24 Hours Services In Pakistan

2.Petrol Pumps
7.Police Stations
9.Air Lines
10.My Sweet SMS for You!
In Life,
Don’t Settle For Someone
Who Can Buy A Coffee For You ,

Go For Someone
Who Can Actually Make It For You !

Sometimes Little Efforts Make
A Big Difference :-)
Words Are The Most Powerfull Thing In The Universe . . .
They Are The Containers Which Contain
Faith Or Fear
& They Produced It After Their Kinf . . .
So Think Before U Leap
If I Hadn''t Met U

I Wouldn''t Like U

If I Didn''t Like U

I Wouldn''t Love U

If I Didn''t Love U

I Wouldn''t Miss U


I Did

I Do


I Will...
Gate Of Memories Wil Never Close,
How Much We Miss Our Friends Nobody Knows,
Days Will Pass Like Years,
We Will Remember The Memories In
Silent Tears,
u seem to be much careless nowdays...
alwayz leaving your things here and
c what hav u done now u just came in
my mind and left a smile on my face.
"Dream is not that what you see in the sleep....
Dream is the Thing which Does not Allow you to sleep...
Fact of Life :
Impossible does not mean that it is not possible.It actually means that nobody has done it so far.We are born to break the limits.