eyes SMS Messages445 messages

I hv a pair of eyes bt cant C u evryday,

i hv a pair of ears bt cant hear u evrytym,

bt i hv Heart dat Luvs u evrytym,

n says i luv u.
Let These Words
Not Only Touch Your
Let Them Travel Through
You Soul
Let Them Rest In Your
As You Rest In Mine ...
Love You (:
True Meaning of Luv

If its coz of eyes or hair its nt luv its attractn
If bcz of inteligence abt lyf,its not luv its admiration
If it''s bcz it make u 4get 2 study n sleep,it''s not luv its infatuation!

Luv is ven u dnt no y u r atracted 2 a person..
Luv has its own Reason,n dat is Unknown.
U? b_d
world bcomes invisible to me as eyes are filled with u,
nothing goes into mind as mind n heart are occupied by u
Best Romantic Words :-

I dont know how Beautiful you are...

''coz my eyes haven''t moved from ur eyes....
If Yur Heart Miss S0me0ne,

If Yur eyes Have Tears F0r S0me0ne,

If Yur Life Has Time & Space F0r S0me0ne,

Then Yu Realy L0VE That S0me0ne!
Beautiful Line said By Someone In Luv :

"There Is A

Storm In My Heart


It Rains From My eyes
LUV is whn
Dere r a million thngs U wana say 2 sum1
Whn dey luk U in eyes n hold U in arms nthng in lyf ma8ers othr thn being wid th8 prsn @ th8 momnt
Each drop of a tear is costly

than anything in world!


no one knows its value

until they have it

in their own eyes for someone!
Words of Lover Boy:
My eyes know that
i m not perfect match 4 him.
my heart has no eyes or ears,
So it''s been beating 4 her..
If u love me..
Show me its depth..
If u hate me..
Show me its height..
If u cry for me..
Sink me in the depth of ur eyes..
If u live for me..
Take me in ur arms..forever
..If u Can..
1 of d gr8 2 lines of Eng poem

"Ice melts when heated
eyes melts when hurted".
So don''t hurt any1 who luvz u!!