eyes SMS Messages445 messages

God gave u 2 legs to walk, 2 hands to hold, 2 ears to hear, 2 eyes to see. But why did he give u only 1 Heart?
Probably bcoz he wants u to look for the other.
If you U Look into My eyes You''d See Much Warmth n Love Shining in them 4 U.
You''re Absolutely Wonderful n Truly Lovely.
I Miss U.
1+1=2….2eyes looking for u..4+1=5 senses missing 12+12=24 hours thinking about u…3+4=7 days in week missing u,,,1+11=12months Prayer 4 u
look at the SUN
you c TIME..
look in the HEART
you c LOVE..
look in the eyes
you c LIFE..
look at ur MOBILE
c who''s

MIss Yew !!!!
When I open my eyes
to see the sun rise
I think of you.

When I hear a robin sing
on the first day of spring
I think of you.

When I see a red rose
on the bush where it grows
I think of you.

When I feel the summer heat
on the sand beneath my feet
I think of you.

When I sit on a beach
another world just out of reach
I think of you.

When I see the colored leaves
fall to the ground from a light breeze
I think of you.

When I look to the night sky
and see the sparkle like in your eyes
I think of you.

When the snow is coming down
to softly blanket the ground
I think of you.

When I go to bed at night
as I turn out the light
I think of you.

I miss you.

I miss your warm eyes,
the way you listen and care.
I miss your kisses
and all that we share.

I miss you.

I miss the touch of your hand,
so reassuring and sincere,
and the moments we spend together,
that I hold dear.

I miss you.

I miss all of the caring
things you do,
and spending the evening
alone with you.

I miss you.

I look forward to tomorrow
knowing that then,
I''ll be one day closer
to seeing you again.

You must have
guessed it by now...
I miss you!
Voice Of Heart Love is the voice of heart,
it can never be broken but sometime
it hurt very badly when the love is too far from us
but it is not far from heart it is not far from eyes
every night it comes in dream the person can''t
explain the feelings when the person fall in love
peyyar dey side effects,
Sar main dard"
Kan main dard"
paet main wat"
eyes main ansso"
Kammar main dard"
Dammag main dard"
Es Bemarri ka naam haiy Lovetariya.
A man walks into his bathroom and shoots himself right between the eyes using a real gun with real bullets. He walks out alive, with no blood anywhere. And no, he didn''t miss and he wasn''t Superman or any other caped crusader. How did he do this?
Ans: He shot a mirror.
A man walks into his bathroom and shoots himself right between the eyes using a real gun with real bullets. He walks out alive, with no blood anywhere. And no, he didn''t miss and he wasn''t Superman or any other caped crusader. How did he do this?
Ans: He shot a mirror.
Hands she has but does not hold, teeth she has but does not bite, feet she has but they are cold, eyes she has but without sight. Who is she?

Ans: A Doll
Hands she has but does not hold, teeth she has but does not bite, feet she has but they are cold, eyes she has but without sight. Who is she?

Ans: A Doll