eyes SMS Messages445 messages

If its bcoz of her eyes or her Lips or her great luks its not LUV....Its LUST
If bcoz of her intelligence or insight about Life its not LUV....Its ADMIRATION
If its bcoz she cries everytime u try to leave its not LUV....Its PITY
If its bcoz she makes u lose ur concentration and slip its not LUV....Its INFATUATION

LUV is when u dont knw y u seem to be attracted to a person..
LUV has its reason and that reason is meant to b unknown...........
few months ago i closed my eyes nd saw u in my dreams
i saw how carin n luvin u were a few days before
if dis is the way to c u close to me
then i wish my eyes would close forever......

Find ARMS that will HOLD u at ur WEAKEST
eyes that will SEE u at ur UGLIEST
HEART that will LOVE u at ur WORST
If u’ve found it, u’ve found LOVE

There Was Once A Beautiful Star, Up In The Skies
That Broke Into Two One Day
And Became Ur eyes
I’ve Been Star Gazing Since . . .
my eyes are blind without yur eyes t see,just like a rose without colour,so always be in my life.....
To find a true love, you must first find a true friend.
Love does not consist of gazing into each other''s eyes, but rather looking outward together in the same direction.
To love someone completely you must love them for who they are, not what they look like.
Friendship is the soil through which love''s seeds grow.
If you want to bring love into a relationship, you must first bring friendship
I Wish . . .

I wish I could see through your eyes
so I would know what you like to see.

I wish I knew your wishes,
so I could give you everything you want.

I wish I dreamed the same dreams you do,
and together we could make them come true.

I wish I knew what makes you happy,
so I could make you the happiest person in the whole world.

And lastly, I wish I were a cell in your blood,
so I would be sure I was somewhere in your heart
"I''ll give you the moon at night
I''ll give you star that lights your eyes
I''ll give you the sun that made just one more dawn
So another day may come
I''ll give you my heart and soul
I''ll be there to catch you when you fall
When you ask me what I give to you
Girl I''ll give it all"

Marry Me Sweetheart
Sometimes your nearness takes my breath away
All the things I want to say can find no voice.
In silence,
I can only hope my eyes will speak my heart . . .
Love is like sunshine.
It brings a golden glow to its beholder''s face.
And a warm feeling all over their body.
It awakens souls and opens eyes.
And when its over, it leaves billions of small memories called stars.
To remind the world, that it still exists.
The heart is the main organ of the body. It is said that our heart keeps us alive,

but I believe its what is inside our hearts that gives us the drive to live.

The love thats inside our heart that makes us who we are. The greatest gift in my eyes is the ability to love.

To share the love we hold in our hearts is the greatest gift God has given us because people only can live for so long,

but our memories and our love last for eternity.
You''re the shoulder I lean on,
the hand that I hold,
The eyes with the message
That never grows old,
The smile that is part of
Each warm memory -
You''re everything special
That means love to me.