eyes SMS Messages445 messages

eyes without tears,tears without love,love without a care,a care without a heart,a heart without beat,a beat without u,u without me.now how could that be possible?
We''ve known each other,
For a long long time,
But I never really noticed,
All the magic in your eyes,
I''ve been around you,
A thousand times before,
And you''ve always been a friend to me,
But now I''m wanting more
sumtymz itz harder 2 say ''no"
wen i really mean yes
sumtyms itz harder to close eyes
wen i really want to c. ..
but d hardest moment is to let go sumone
wen i really want him to stay.. .. : (
Love knows no reasons,
love knows no lies.
Love defies all reasons,
Love has no eyes.
But love is not blind,
Love sees but doesn''t mind.
Measured by miles u r far away; Measured by thought u r closest today; Measured by eyes I didn''t find u with me, but when measured by heart u r found inside.
Everytime I look into your eyes, I fall in love again. I know that I''ve only known you for less than a tenth of my life, but I feel like I''ve known you since the dawn of time.

I''m never tire of looking at your pictures, reading your letters that you''ve written to me. All of these things keep me so happy and feeling so blessed that I have truly found the one person that I want to spend eternity with. You are the only person on earth that has ever been able to calm me down when I get worked up. Talking to you makes my day great.
The way u look into my eyes, it scares me,
The way u say I Luv U, it scares me,
The way u know just what to say, it scares me,
The ways u scare me I luv it.
I miss the voice that calls my name
I miss the hand that holds me securely
I miss the words that enlivens my day
I miss those eyes that see my soul

I miss the way you call my name
Along with the way you hold my hand
I miss you dearly how you love me
And how you tell me you do

I long to hear that voice again
I hope to feel your hand brush against mine
I hope to see those eys
And I hope to be loved by you as long as I have life
He who is in love
is wise and is becoming wiser,
sees newly every time he
looks at the object beloved,
drawing from it with his eyes
and his mind those virtues
which it possesses.
I think about you always,
and the way you make me smile.
like when i look into your eyes, it gives me butterflies.
When you hold me in your arms n
when my lips connect with yours,
its a feelin that i cant explain
because i never felt like that before.
There''s a love that only u can give,
A smile that only your lips can show,
A twinkle that can only be seen in your eyes,
& a life of mine that u alone can complete
I Hope You Never Come To Know of The Thousand Tears I ''ve Shed,I Hope You Never Come To Know That You Are The Reason Why I Cry, For Even One Tear in Your eyes Is Enough To Make Me Die ..